Musing on human ingenuity & lies regarding Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

in #government7 years ago

I was thinking as I walked along the street, gazing at the sky

looking at a vast sheets of unfamiliar cloud structures and noticing
3 contrails (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection?) being laid out above
the cloud layer, as seen through breaks in said cloud layer.


The day I saw this, I stopped a complete stranger, a man heading in to the Gym, "What do you make of that?" He looked up and replied, shaking his head "Yeah, they've been doing that for some time now." and continued on into the gym.

The speed with which individuals break towards the "You are crazy"

response to comments about chem-trails, is fascinating to me.
The only things I reject that fast are murder & rape.
Theft is close behind.

So why the staunch denial, without even a modicum of investigative thought?
Too scary? A strong indoctrination to avoid ultra-conspiracy topics for fear of
ostracization? We do see that trope in literature and especially fiction, quite a lot.
I remember Steven King's "The Running Man" where our protagonist goes to
his Mother for safety and she turns him in, with a misplaced sense of protection.

We know that our government has experimented on our own citizens in the past.
I will not validate that claim here, there are plenty of accounts and FOI
(Freedom of Information) documents to establish this fact.

What has never been established, however, is whether the government
realigned it's thinking so as to never take advantage of it's citizens again, or not.
Interesting, no? Especially considering that we should know by now, not
to trust anything said by secretive officials or ANY politician.

A personal axiom of mine, greatly influenced by the Hopi stitch and more, is that
we humans are perfectly, imperfect.
I have experienced this imperfection to
be a wonderful source for innovation on the one side and a great opportunity
for self-growth & improvement, on the other side. I firmly believe that we
battle this imperfection at our own loss.
Coming down hard on the young
employee who doesn't get it right every time. Shunning the budding artist
who colors outside of the lines, etc. And yet, where does brilliance tend to emerge?
Outside of the established lines, that's often where. Not always, not as a rule - to be sure.

That is an atmospheric injection spreading out - not a normal cloud structure.

And so there I was, trusting my eyes and memory. I know, both are inefficient means
of data collection, but at least within my own control ... I hope. So it occurred to me:
"What a terrible loss for humanity, to cast out the bold thinkers, actually
institutionalizing this process. When one approaches the group, the shut down is
palpable and painful. So how is it that we have come to a place where, it is hard to
deny our seemingly break-neck dash to extinction, and yet, we avidly shut down
thinking outside of the, status-quo, lines? The same status quo lines that have driven
us here with what appears to be intent.

If Einstein had been told to:
"Shut up! You don't have a degree and the news told me otherwise!"
Then perhaps the Nazi's would have beat us to the atomic bomb,
I really don't know. It is the simplest example I could think of in the moment.

In conclusion, lying to "We The People" is tantamount to actively participating in the
extinction of humanity by rendering the bold and unconventional thinkers moot.

"Look Mommy, there's an airplane up in the sky"

One of these is a normal commercial flight generating a perfectly normal con trail.
The other is not.


There are slave minded toadies everywhere. My own mother tried to turn me in for a crime that I did not commit. I don't like the idea of having to sh*t test everyone I meet, but my own mother? At least it saves me some time and money on mother's day.

Upvoted, resteemed and featured on Stop Chemtrails Digest #8.

Thank you for keeping your eyes open and not ignoring it! Thank you for not being silent!

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