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RE: Let's Analyze Government Regulation - @telos

in #government7 years ago

Guess I'm right on the crazy train then. Sorry, but anyone who doesn't see that big Gov is a big source of corruption is fooling themselves. People don't seem to realize that the reason why crony capitalism exists is because big companies can pay big goverment to do things for them.


Exactly, no regulations will not be a paradise, but it will bring considerably more social equality.

You know like not having to pay 90,000$ to open a lemonade stand would be a good idea. It can help poor people for example.

The finacial power of corporations, the control of the money supply (banksters), joined with the force of the state make for quite a cartel indeed.

It's ironic though, probably banking and financial regulation laws are like 50,000 pages long, in fact just general commercial laws could be like a full bookshelf of law books. Not to mention the costs of licenses and permits and insurance..... But it still doesn't stop the banksters commiting massive fraud.

Bitcoin is like 300,000 lines of code which is like 2600 pages of an A4 size book, and it already solves many of the most important problems in finance, including systematic risk, fractional reserve banking, etc....

Of course it doesn't stop theft and scammers, but that is just up to the market to figure out solutions for, it can't do everything.

Yet Bitcoin itself is more efficient than 200 years of banking regulation combined, and it doesn't require the initiation of force.

I call that something magnificent.

It doesn't require the initiation of force because everyone just turns a blind eye to the people that get scammed.


No they don't, they go out and find ACTUAL solutions that REALLY work.

Like for example a public shame list of scammers, although I am not sure if that is legal since it could violate privacy laws, which is pretty stupid because it turns out that ostracism and shaming is a more effective method to deterr crime than jail.

I fact I bet you 1 million $ that if a burglar get's shamed on Facebook just for like 1-2 days so that the entire world would know what he did, that would deter him more from breaking into people's houses than 10 years of jail.

Like for example a public shame list of scammers, although I am not sure if that is legal since it could violate privacy laws, which is pretty stupid because it turns out that ostracism and shaming is a more effective method to deterr crime than jail.

That's a great idea! No one's life has ever been ruined by someone spreading false rumors!

Maybe we can also go back to mob justice.

Screw the whole trial and innocent until proven guilty thing, let's just go back to shaming or killing people based on wild accusations.

That's a fucking great plan!

I meant after a trial of course. The victim of a crime would go to trial with the perpetrator, then some kind of decentralized jury system would convict the perpetrator if guilty, and instead of sending him to prison, we would find other methods to make him pay for his crimes.

Of course ,non violent methods is what I mean, so don't put words in my mouth.

Methods would be:

  • Paying full Restitution
  • Shaming of the convicted person
  • Ostracism, cutting him out of society by severing any links between him and the society for a certain period of time.

I would guarantee you, that would be a much more effective method for "small criminals".

For serious violent criminals, it's debatable, "an eye for an eye" might be justified here, I don't know, there are many ways to deal with this, it's up to the community to decide.

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