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RE: Anything But Trump

in #government8 years ago

Terrible post.

Clinton is proven to be a corporatist war hawk, a liar, a fan of the military-industrial complex and the prison-industrial complex as well. She wants to kill Julian Assange, she supports the same economic insanity that has put us over twenty trillion dollars in debt, she supports pipelines #NODAPL and fracking as well. But the worst parts about Clinton are that she has idiotic followers who continue to support her, and that she knows how to play the Washington game.

Four years of Trump will be nothing at all because that idiot will fail to achieve anything, but with Clinton as president? We may very well see WWIII, because with her other flaws, Clinton wants a no fly zone over Syria, over Russian air bases.

#JillNotHill #AnyonebutClinton


You might note I explicitly said I wasn't defending Clinton or asking anyone to vote for her... And I even recommended Stein. So your vitriol is a bit misplaced.

Clinton is proven to be a corporatist war hawk, a liar, a fan of the military-industrial complex and the prison-industrial complex as well.

Do you think the guy who owns a corporation is not corporatist? The guy who wants to send soldiers to the middle east isn't a war hawk? The guy who wants to skip the court system and just throw people in prison wouldn't be a fan of the prison-industrial complex?

I get that you support Jill, but I don't see how you think Trump is better than Hillary when he's at least as bad!

Clinton wants war with Russia, Trump wants to work with Russia to eliminate ISIS.

Clinton supports her husbands crime reform bill, militarized police, and avoiding proper court systems. Trump has promised to have Clinton arrested, as she deserves, by following the law.

As for being a corporatist? Yeah, they both are, but Trump owns his own, Clinton is owned by them all.

"As for being a corporatist? Yeah, they both are, but Trump owns his own, Clinton is owned by them all.".....
LOL...great riposte !!

How's that whole promise to arrest Clinton thing going?

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