USA intelligence agencies faking diversity in reports

in #government3 years ago

The world has gone completely insane in the past year if you ask me and one of the main culprits in this whole charade is the United States. Diversity training, accusations of everything being racist, and the desire to be as "woke" as possible is just an embarrassment.

In an effort to make their department look as diverse as possible the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report complete with an extremely diverse work force for the masses to applaud for their efforts to hire minorities, women, and people with disabilities and they are definitely doing so as this picture they released clearly proves.

Unfortunately, none of these people actually even work there.


To make matters worse, the person in the wheelchair and the blind guy with the seeing eye dog are very clearly photoshopped into the picture. You don't even have to be a graphic designer to see that this is the case and some people in internet-land quickly discovered the original photo and its source.


Later, to add more embarrassment to the situation, it was found out that this shutterstock image can actually be downloaded for a very small fee. So not only are they lying, using stock images, photoshopping in blind and disabled people, but they are also too stingy to pay very much for it. I'm guessing some elementary school kids are in charge of their graphic design department as well.

This is just hilariously bad that they would do this. I think that most people are probably tired of hearing about diversity objectives, which by the way are not new to government, but now we have a "national intelligence" agency that is so stupid that they thought they would be able to sneak this by people. These are the folks who are supposed to be in charge of preventing terrorism and they couldn't even cover their tracks well enough to release a report that nobody is going to read anyway.

Now here comes the fun part: All the articles or live air news stories that covered this were right-leaning networks. I am unable to find a single left-leaning article or news story about this at all. hmmmm... I wonder why that is?

I am one of those people that thinks that the government is lying to us all the time anyway but for crissakes man, this is just a terrible job. ODNI has not responded to anyone about this and honestly, it would probably be better for them if they don't because if they do respond, I am certain they will just throw some fall guy under the bus that didn't even have anything to do with it.


Yeah, this whole diversity, inclusion, racism, woke, anything but reality. It is an ephemeral fad that people grasp onto to extend their political careers, extract money from corporations, feel self important (fighting the “good fight”) or assuage some guilt they think they're supposed to have….McCarthyism comes to mind.

America isn’t racist, or prejudiced; it’s just become short sighted and complacent and that is why most people are pissed...regardless of superficial physical attributes.

Complacent in repairing infrastructure; growing domestic manufacturing and supply chains; limiting the reliance on debt, expanding research and development; executing thoughtful foreign, economic, and fiscal policy, that benefits most people and grows the middle class.

This complacency has led to American household financial distress, media’s almost non-existent journalistic integrity, corporations addiction to debt and short-term thinking, two decades of expensive foreign wars, the God Awful costs of education and healthcare, and both political parties inability to compromise to effectively target national policy for the benefit of the American people.

The woke movement tries to employ “anti racism” inclusion strategies to a system that isn't racist. It's like giving cough medicine to someone who has high cholesterol.

I think the woke movement is a bunch of bourgeois, self-aggrandizing, self righteous, incompetent opportunists, that couldn't recognize a snowdrift problem in the middle of a fucking blizzard.

America needs to focus on infrastructure, manufacturing, wages & jobs, supply chains, fiscal responsibility, help our people and not waste our time on superficial delusions of systemic prejudice.

My rant for the Great post @dumb-news.

what an epic response. Better than my writeup if you ask me. I enjoyed reading all of that pal and think that a great deal of that if not all of it is copypasta worthy. I like the way you think and thanks for responding!

That is very kind, thank you. I think it was bottled up in me for a your insightful post nudged the cork just enough to where it blew right off the bottle :)

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