Delaying Flights To Scan Faces

Thousands of videos have been posted online over the years, which showcase various airline customers getting upset over delays in their travel plans. If you have spent any time traveling then you've likely experienced a flight delay yourself, they aren't that uncommon.

For some travelers who have been forced to wait, they've had to endure 12 hour delays or more, others have been sent on different planes, or experienced tremendous financial loss after they weren't compensated for the delays etc.

For 2017, it's estimated that the leading cause of flight delays was thanks to late aircraft arrivals and they managed to account for almost half of the total delay minutes--roughly 39 percent.

These delays cost airlines billions of dollars and they cause a tremendous amount of grief for passengers as well.

Previous reports have suggested that certain airports are more likely to leave you with some cancellations or delays and they are airports such as:

Most airlines operate with a delay rate of 20 percent or more for flights, with roughly 2 percent of all flights being canceled.

According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), they have previously estimated that for all flights between June 2015-2016 that roughly 50 percent of the late flights were a result of circumstances that were believed to be in the airline's control. This includes things like crew scheduling, refueling, maintenance, and more.

Airline delays are bad for business and travelers certainly don't enjoy them. But it turns out, the government might enjoy reaping certain benefits from the tardiness.

A recent report from the DHS Biometric Entry-Exit Program suggests that the government might not mind these airline delays because it means that airports are complying with their biometric surveillance objectives.

Airlines have allegedly expressed their frustration and concern for allowing passengers to depart on time, which might mean neglecting to subject them to extra surveillance and security.

When they're already running late, they don't have the time to biometrically match each passenger before they board the plane.

These revelations might come as a surprise to some, especially considering that such facial recognition measures have been marketed as a tool that's supposed to speed up boarding times and make things more efficient for travelers.

In the recent report though, BTS had reportedly expressed concern with the airlines for their frequency to bypass the government's biometric surveillance measures in an effort to meet their own boarding and flight schedules; to ensure that travelers had an on-time departure.

Overall, the report concluded that the tendency of airlines to opt in meeting flight schedules rather than scanning the faces of travelers, along with other issues, might pose significant risks to their goal of drastically scaling-up the biometric surveillance program.

The state sees this habit of the airlines to bypass their biometric plan, as one that might be difficult for them to break, but it's one they'll keep working toward so that this sort of biometric surveillance can be further implemented.

It's alleged that they would like to have the biometric surveillance system scanning 100 percent of departing passengers by as early as 2021.


Related Posts:

Lufthansa Turns To Facial Recognition To Speed Up Boarding Times

Scan Your Face Before Boarding


On another note, we have a shopping center going to be ready soon and
I thought this may be of interest to you. Soon, I guess they will putting the same tech in other shopping centers. More reason to shop online now? :-)

scanning faces at the mall? nice! just for safety 😂 thanks for sending 👍

You're welcome. A lesson from Amazon Go.. i guess

Dang.. That's more and more crazy/scary the more I think about it. When I was growing up they were making futuristic sci fi or dystopian movies about stuff like this, and now it's happening.. I wonder how far we will go down this governmental/cultural/technological path.

@doitvoluntarily 12 hours of delay is a long time, but when it comes to travel by plane, which travels many kilometers with that time, the 20% delay is a very high rate
Thank you very much for letting us know this news
I wish you a great day

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