Government is Just Another Cult

in #government8 years ago

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  • "A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader."
  • "Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing."

In this post, I am going to list a few elements that make up the foundation of any cult. After that, I am going to reveal how the US government shares many of these principles.


Every cult uses one or more symbolic figures for its followers to worship. This may be used to attract other followers also. In nearly every cult, there are mass gatherings to worship these symbols. These symbols represent a commonly shared idea between the followers.

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A Leader

Every cult has a leader. This leader is usually very charismatic and persuasive. Usually, every member loves and adores him (or her). They usually conduct impressive speeches, rallying the people toward their cause. This leader will appear to have the truth that no other organization has. The leader will turn their followers against anything that stands in the way of their cult.

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Many cults use the powerful tool of fear to keep its followers from leaving. Most promise eternal rewards such as afterlife in paradise, and salvation. On the other side, many cults have consequences for not believing, such as eternal damnation and suffering. This tool, fear, is a very powerful one. If used correctly, someone could get a massive amount of people to do just about anything if they believe in the lies. Once a cult reaches a certain point, the followers will begin to reject any idea that their belief is not true. Any member speaking out against the cult will be rejected by the rest. This is a very important key in controlling masses of people.

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Most cults are of a hierarchical structure. The ordinary followers are at the bottom, followed by a number of higher ups and ranks. Once you get near the top, there is usually a small number of people with very special privileges, and usually, one person is at the head of the whole organization.

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Every cult has some level of secrecy. There are things in the cult that are simply off limits to outsiders and even to a lot of the followers. The higher level a person is, the more that is revealed to them. Usually the real truth is only available to a very small group of the people at the top of the pyramid scheme.

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Obedience Without Question

Despite all of the secrecy, it is usually for "your own good," or "the good of the people." One of the key ideas keeping the whole organization from falling apart is blind faith, or dogma. The health of the cult relies directly on the followers believing that it is the truth. Usually this means strict rules. Everyone is to follow the rules and not question them. Members are usually very obedient to their higher ups.

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A Common Goal

Cults usually work towards a common goal. The leaders will rally their followers in to work towards this goal. There is usually a hidden agenda behind what the followers believe the actual goal is. This is usually about power, control, money, or all three.

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How the US Government is a Cult

The US government (or any government for that matter) contains these exact principles of every cult.


The US uses so many symbols to support their image.

All of these symbolize out "freedom."

A Leader

The US elects a new leader every year. Usually someone who is very charismatic and relatable to the common citizen. The President will give many speeches throughout their term rallying the support of the people, and a lot of times it is to fight off any "threat" to our nation (terrorism). They are elected because the people believe that they support the "common good of the people."


The US government seems to thrive directly because of fear. We the people are so afraid of so many things, that we feel like we have no choice but to depend on the government. Fear is bigger than ever these days. We even have a clown problem to be afraid of now in America.

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The government is structured like a pyramid scheme also. There are the basic politicians, Congress and the Senate, the President, and everything in-between. Is the President really the top of the Pyramid though, or does he just take orders as well?

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Is the constitution really at the top these days though?


Do I even have to start about the secrecy of the United States Government? The US has tons of secret agencies, documentation, and agendas. What do they have to hide so desperately?

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America used to be one of the freest nations in the world. Now we have so many laws and regulations, if the US government says jump, we ask how high so that we don't get in trouble. We are so worried about things such as how far we are parked from the curb!! They have passed laws that go against our very constitution, the document that our entire country was founded on! Not only that, if we even question the actions of our government or this war on "terror," we get scolded and people will call you a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

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A Common Goal

In America, our common goal is freedom. It is obvious the government's goal is anything but freedom. It is up to you to decide whether you believe what you are being force fed, or if you want to think for yourself. It is not hard to see what the real goals of our government are unless you just don't want to. This government is just one of the biggest cults ever created. The people at the top are siphoning as much power and wealth to themselves as they can. Wake up and break away from this cult. You will be criticized, but you will never find peace in life bowing down to an organization that just wants to use you.

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The way I see it many religions have been introduced just so that we will have less of a problem with the idea of government.

Do you think that governments have also supported religions that pacify its people? Christians used to be persecuted by the Romans, but then it was all of a sudden supported by Rome and the Roman Catholic Church emerged. Why do you think that is?

This is what I am suggesting. It is very apparent in the case of Christianity, how similar the structure is to that of government. If we make children get used to the idea of a big man, who knows better, making the calls, they will have a very hard time as grown ups challenging that because that is all they know.

Remember that there is a big chance that the figure of Jesus is a Roman invention. The representative of god on earth, just like the pope or politicians. It helps ground the idea that a little man is "chosen" to convey the big man's desires, takes responsibility away from the little man because they too are just supposedly doing what they are told.

Just like there are consequences to not doing what politicians tell you, even if the consequences are created by these same people, there are consequences to not doing what the Christian god tells you, even if the consequences are created by the same god.

You will be told that you have free will to decide/vote between the options that you are given, but if you think of an alternative option it is not valid and will be met with violence.

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