When did 'Never Forget' Become 'Never Ask Questions'?

in #government8 years ago

So today is 9/11.

15 years ago, nearly 3,000 people died, and 6,000 more were injured after multiple commercial airplanes were hijacked, resulting in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, with another airplane being crashed into the Pentagon, and the last being crashed into a field on it's way to cause even more destruction.

Our nation still mourns the loss of those involved, and the thousands that have died since our government began its 'War on Terror' just a year later.

But, I still have questions.

Sure, I've always thought there was a degree of foul play with the whole situation :

  • the Bush family's relations with the Saudi Arabian families that may have funded Al-Queda's operation

  • the lies about 'Weapons of Mass destruction'

  • Dick Cheney''s company making profits upwards of $39 billion
    dollars from the 'War on Terror'

  • the part of the Pentagon that was destroyed just so happened to be the sector investigating the missing $2.3 trillion dollars Donald Rumsfeld had announced the day before

  • passing of the Patriot Acts to extend the governments ability to conduct nationwide citizen surveillance operations

Yeah, sure, that's all well and good, right? Enough to make any young, pot smoking conspiracy theorist chomp at the bit.

But even with all that, the question that still needs to be asked is this, why did Building 7 collapse?

For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, Building 7 was a 47 story skyscraper that was a part of the World Trade Center complex, and at approximately 5:20pm on September 11, it collapsed.

Most people will say (if they even comment on it) that the building sustained damage from the towers that fell, causing fires that eventually led to the building's collapse.

Okay, sounds logical, but there were other buildings in the complex that were far more damaged, but there was no collapse.

And IF Building 7 were to have collapsed from fire damage, it would be the FIRST EVER fire induced collapse of a steel frame high rise.


Okay, that's weird.

And the fact that the World Trade Center towers collapsed directly downwards into themselves defies physics (so says Architects&Engineers for 9/11 Truth http://www.ae911truth.org/), makes this even weirder.

Now I don't know what happened, but I have questions, and so do a lot of other people.

Any critical thinker would.

So why is it so taboo?

Why is it so taboo to ask the question of 'what really happened', because the only story we have heard is from the news.

And that story has a couple plot holes.

People say that "there is no way the government had any part of it" or that thinking they did is somehow disrespectful to those that lost their lives, and the country at large.

But those people are fugazi patriots.

They beat their chest to "USA" chants, but are silent when American airstrikes kill innocents overseas.

They defend their National Anthem from uppity NFL Players who want to hold our country's government officials to higher standards.

And despite global rankings, they will tell you the USA is the greatest country in the world, and it always has been, 11 times out of 10.

But that is not real patriotism. That isn't paying respect to those that have died for our freedom.

That is just being a nationalistic, ya know, a real passionate fan of the home team.

Real patriots ask real questions. They hold our government, and our citizens, to the highest standards.

I don't know what happened on 9/11, and I truly wish thousands of lives hadn't been lost on that day, or the 11 years of war that followed.

But those families that lost someone, those soldiers who shipped off to fight a war with no real end, they deserve answers.

They deserve the truth.

And the only way anyone gets that, is by asking the tough questions that make people think you are crazy.

Please spend a moment and send your thoughts and prayers to all the families that were affected by the attacks on 9/11, and the resulting war.

And when I say everybody, that includes those families in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and every other country that has felt the collateral damage perpetrated by America's Military Industrial Complex.


So today is not 9/11

Its a version of Stockholm Syndrome where the victim doesn't want to find and testify against their attacker because of the trauma. Illogical reactions. Upvoted and following.

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