DHS Is Planning To Arrest Sanctuary City Leaders

in #government7 years ago

This ought to keep the masses fighting amongst themselves.

Having been grilled by Democratic lawmakers over her recollections of a White House meeting in which President Trump described some poor nations sending immigrants to the United States as "shithole countries," Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen dropped a potentially even bigger tape-bomb.

The Hill reports that Nielsen testified she did not recall Trump saying “shithole countries” while she spoke under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee. She described the meeting as heated and said many people in the room used coarse language.

“I don't remember the specific words [Trump used],” Nielsen said under questioning from Durbin. “What I was struck with, frankly as I'm sure you were as well, was the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone.”

But then Nielsen shocked more than a few Democratic leaders across the nation, who appear to have grown accustomed to living beyond the law.


According to The Washington Times, Nielsen confirmed Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can lodge criminal charges against sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.

“The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues may be available,” Ms. Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Her confirmation came after California’s new sanctuary law went into effect Jan. 1, severely restricting cooperation the state or any of its localities could offer.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan says those policies put his officers and local communities at more risk because they have to arrest illegal immigrants out in the community.

Mr. Homan told The Washington Times last July that he wanted to see local officials charged as complicit in human smuggling if they shielded illegal immigrants through sanctuary policies. Mr. Homan repeated that demand in an interview with Fox News earlier this year, setting off a firestorm of criticism



And the wall continues to tumble downward......... Tom Homan says" those policies put his officers and local communities at more risk because they have to arrest illegal immigrants out in the community." Hmmm, where else do they get arrested? Furthermore, isn't that their job? I don't think I'd worry about the local folks who still know that the world ain't all rainbows and skittles. I think they'll be just fine............ Enjoyed brother, got my blood pressure up a bit! How are you my friend! We're expecting snow here tonight............. below the ATL believe it or not.

Just find shed two hours of snow blowing here...time for a nap!

Nap sounds good as the kids are taking one now. Yeah you've certainly got the snow where you are but here just a lil' bit halts everything. Kids lived it though. The little one had her first experience with it. Lots o' fun. There's a bit left scattered about in the shady spots but really not enough to have fun with anymore. It was a good time! Go get that nap and maybe a Guinness prior? See ya brother.

Guinness???? OK

Dijo alguien por allí: Dale poder al hombre y lo conoceras realmente. El presidente Trupm ya está manifestando lo que verdaderamente es. Y así mismo, aquellos de lo adulan, transitarán las mismas sendas. Lamentablemente, dentro del mundo de la política, es natural mentir, ocultar eventos, falsificar testimonios entre muchas otras cosas más. Ya veremos a que llega esto

Estoy feliz de que nos hayamos mudado de los Estados Unidos!

Lock them up! lock them up!

meeting in which President Trump described some poor nations sending immigrants to the United States as "shithole countries,"

Sorry, no. Only ONE participant in this meeting claims Trump used that word - and that man, Senator Dick Durbin, has a documented history of lying about things taking place in private presidential meetings.
According to The Washington Times, Nielsen confirmed Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can lodge criminal charges against sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.
That would be a very good thing. Politicians attempting to nullify federal law should be prosecuted... we did, after all, fight a horrible civil war because several states declared federal law null and void. Lock the SOBs up.

Ya, I'm with you on that (haven't seen any proof of his comments).....but this sanctuary city crap will have people screaming at each other

Screaming people? Did Kate Steinle scream after she was shot by an illegal colonizer? Has the Marxist press ever STOPPED screaming about illegal immigration (i.e. "racism," "cruel" etc Ad nauseam )? The solution is simple: Enforce the f*ng law.

It's just so much easier to lock up an 18 year old for smokin a blunt than to enforce any real laws. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

I like to take a long view, and if Trump continues appointing conservative judges to the federal courts, ALL of this Marxist bullshit will eventually come to a welcome and screeching halt.

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