Are you an American?

in #government6 years ago

I only ask because I don't hear any of you screaming.

Why should we be screaming ask the sheeple?

While you have been sleeping, the f#%ers you entrust with the tax money they steal from you have been feverishly taking care of people in other countries while leaving their own to suffer.

What do I mean?

When you see homelessness in America, feel confident your government is building homes for people in other countries.
When you see stupidity in America, feel confident your government is educating people in other countries.
When see veterans who could use a little help, feel confident your government is helping militaries in other countries.

I could go on but I don't want you to fall asleep before you see some facts.

The US recently passed a spending bill amounting to approximately 1,300,000,000,000.00 (yes, 1.3 trillion) dollars. The bill was 2232 pages long and released only 24 hours before the vote. I am not a math wizard, but that would require you read about 100 pages an hour for 24 hours in order to have even the slightest clue about what was in it.
Well, most of the sleazy politicians didn't read it. They just voted yes. And YOU keep electing them.
Good job!
Here is where they are spending YOUR money:

$12m for Scholarships for Lebanon
$20m for Middle East Partnership Initiative Scholarship Program
$12m in military funding for Vietnam
$3.5m in nutrition assistance to Laos
$15m in Developmental assistance to China
$10m for Women LEOs in Afghanistan
$1m for the World Meteorological Organization
$218m for Promoting Democracy Development in Europe
$10m for disadvantaged Egyptian Students
$1.371bn for Contributions to International Organizations
$51m to promote International Family Planning and Reproductive Health
$7m promoting International Conservation
$10m for UN Environmental Programs
$5m for Vietnam Education Foundation Grants
$2.579m for Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe
$15m to USAID for promoting international higher education between universities
$1m for the Cultural Antiquities Task Force
$6.25m for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
$20m for Countering Foreign State Propaganda
$12m for Countering State Disinformation and Pressure

Ok, why should you be screaming if you don't already get it? Take a look at your debt:


If you had 21 trillion in credit card debt and could barely pay the interest would you be taking all your friends out for dinners? No? Well, your politicians are, only they are using your hard earned money.


and start screaming.....



The sound of a true um, patriot!

Some of us are awake and screaming but the majority of people are just coasting along. We really need to use our votes to get rid of the lazy arrogant politicians that we have in Congress and the House of Representatives now. SCREAM at the top of your lungs at the ballot box and with letters to those in office now, We the People demand better and if they can not do it VOTE someone in that can and will.

Thank god, more screaming! I'm not alone!!!!!!
See my comment to @mjo.....maybe something like that could work because the system works now, just not for the people.

The system has never really been for the people. It was for the fat cats in big corporations and sitting in the government offices. We have people dying and hungry here and we send millions of dollars overseas to help the homeless and hungry there. It seems like the U.S is in the U.N to support it as no one else pays their fair share. NAFTA is a joke along with many other things, like this gun control issue, When Trump was elected many people said they would leave the U.S if he won for POTUS, They are still here and fussing about things, just leave like you said you would. They say you cannot fix stupid but we really need to get a fix for the way the government is going. Sorry for the rant, I am done now. LOL.

Your rant is on point. Oh, and speaking of've made several which should alarm people....but won't.
Keep ranting!

hi greetings friend @brimax how are you?, was absent steemit but I'm back and I'm happy to see your post. Well it's sad to read what you write in the post, because practically the president of the US, is preferring to help more to other countries instead of enforcarse a little more in his country and its citizens who need it too, I think that 1.3 trillion dollars is too much money, is money that can invest in your country to improve some things that are missing. Something similar is what happens here in Venezuela, we are an oil exporting country and the government does not take advantage of it as it should, Venezuela is to be a country high in many things since we have enough oil, but unfortunately from here what it does It is to spread the money and grab them for them, and on several occasions they have done what the United States does, which help other countries with food and money while here in the country many people die of hunger and lack of medicines, in addition to money is not enough and there is a shortage of employment. It is a complete list that can be written down to the government of what it does with other countries while here we need that money that it gives to those countries, that is why I understand you perfectly brother, because something similar to what you publish live here in Venezuela day to day. Good post friend, thanks for the support.

At least you are keeping your eyes open Brother. It's encouraging to see younger people more awake than a lot older people.

This is a problem, something that is happening a lot in Venezuela, of course, we are here, we do not see it, we do not know much about what goes on outside, everyone thinks that the government of the United States is the best, it's okay to support it a bit to others but I think that much should be done for the country, here many millions of dollars are reported to other countries and every time we are going through more hunger

All I can say is either hang in there and hopefully things will get better, or, make a change that puts you somewhere you might feel better.

Hello friend, it is unfortunate everything related to governments and it seems to be a lie but almost everything is bad, I live in Venezuela and you know it, but even here our taxes show our oil everything that is obtained from that is used only for them and helps other countries while we are starving and there are no medicines

Sadly, what's happening in Venezuela is coming to the US. Only a lot of people don't see it and will be shocked when they are in the middle of it.

Friend, I thank you for your support, and if you are against the bad management of the government, I join you.

De verdad que es una locura

You speak the truth

Some of us are awake and don't like what we seeing done to this generation and future ones as well. I pray and ask our Heavenly Father for help, wisdom for our leaders. I try to inform as much as I can to those of my own circle, but I admit the task is overwhelming especially when most of them are just focus on their own needs.

Just keep fighting the fight and try to awaken one at a time.

This is a problem that we are living in several countries, who was going to imagine that in the United States is happening, I think they should work more for their country but they do not do that, this disappoints so much @brimax

It is disappointing.

As an American, I was furious when I found out this bill passed. The party in charge historically was the fiscally conservative one but for all of my adult life the two main parties might as well be the same, big government party. We have a spending problem. As astronomical as the $21 trillion debt sounds, if we didn't pass horrible spending bills like this and if we reformed our medicare, medicaid, and social security we'd be fine. Tons of money flowing through our economy we just need to stop kicking the can down the road and fix our annual deficits before it's too late. For what it's worth, the representatives from my home state did vote against this bill, it wasn't enough though.

Your term "government party" is really what it seems to have become. I'm starting to believe the only way to change what's happening is to change everyone at once. Make it an unpaid position for no more than two years and never a second term. Oh, and no revolving doors ever. This means if you are from industry you can never serve any where near a department that your industry would have interest in.
After all, aren't these people supposed to serve YOU?

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