in #government7 years ago


The Real State of the Union.


I never called anywhere a shithole. But it’s useless to argue with communists..... I support DACA because they’re already here. Yes illegally but if they can pass a background test they should be allowed to pay a fine and stay. Use the fines revenue to deport those who have committed other crimes here and to strengthen border security to keep out the gang members and murderers.


Someone mentioned Israel? Holy Crap Congress approved giving them 38 Billion of our Tax Dollars to their defense fund. Their special lobbyists have convinced US to get involved in Proxy wars with Iran from Syria to Yemen. Israel is the reason that We had to sidestep domestic policy And are mired in foreign shithole politics. Oops, did I say shithole?


We need to focus on the promises I made to improving our domestic economy and preventing America from being ripped off by the shithole global lobbyists begging for influence money. MAGA. Did I say shithole again?

All that global influence money comes out of our pockets but I guess the communist democrats are use to bending over to the beggars. There’s a sucker born every minute but seem to be mostly along the West Coast And democrat strongholds.


Smart immigration policy would be to make the Green Card a commodity. Increase the number of green cards to cover the existing illegal aliens who can pass a criminal background test but also increase the fees associated with becoming legal, and shorten the time it takes for them to get a Green Card.

Currently the waiting period for an immigrant from Mexico is 8 years. This is too long. The waiting period drives even good people to the smugglers to get here illegally because they know jobs are waiting for them here.

Central Americans in the United States, work plow shares, and hotels, and the most demeaning jobs that our citizenry do not want to do unless they are paid enough to put the company out of business because of the competitive nature of the business as we almost saw happen to General Motors and what actually happened to Puerto Rico’s farms and industries.

But we do need to keep the criminals out. The deadly Central American and Mexican gangs have infiltrated California and we need to get them out or put them in prison.


So here is my plan to get the Mexicans (not the Mexican government), to pay for improving border protection; by increasing the number of green cards to cover the existing backlog, raise the application fee to $17.5k and reduce the wait time to 18mo. This raises $17.5 billion in first 18 months on the first million, doubling the revenue if it’s allowed to be financed at 7% over 7 years±. This would clean up the Mexican Back Log. Exclude the Criminals and put the Coyotes out of business. Mexicans pay for and even get jobs to pay to keep the criminals gangs and enterprises out! All making it easier to militarize the border and hunt down the border jumpers like the thieves in the night the gang members are.

The problem with the Border is not immigration. The problem is Congress does not offer enough green cards to good people who qualify.

If the U.S. Raised its green card fees and charged the same rates as the smugglers charge and do extensive background checks this would guarantee only decent people get here.

Doing this would put the smugglers out of business and keep them from coming here.

Border protection would get a lot easier at that point.

It makes sense to deport criminals who are in the country illegally. But the million or so Illegal aliens who are not otherwise criminals, but who are working and paying taxes, often under assumed SS#'s who will never reap the benefits of paying it, are already part of this Nation.


I hope my republican congressmen and senators read this but I doubt my breath matters anymore with such diluted representation levels.... but here goes nothing.

As I've often said before, Mexicans do the jobs that keep companies profitable in the competitive markets they are in. Namely agriculture and hospitality. Puerto Rico once had a thriving agricultural economy but the farmers there have to pay a federally mandated minimum wage, putting them at a disadvantage to other states and nations for exporting their products. Now today, tons of acres in P.R. stand fallow because of simple economics. Their Agricultural workforce has been reduced to just 3% of their population and just 0.8% of its GDP comes from food production, and ironically importing most of its food as a result.

Again, The problem with the Border is not immigration. The problem is congress does not offer enough green cards to good people who qualify.


As a small business employer I should not be forced to pay a minimum wage. Wages should be based on the Free Market. Before 1913; before the bankers ruined this country by creating the Federal Reserve Bank And the Income Tax And before congress was capped at 435 members we had a great country. But since then we’ve been mired in two world wars and since Vietnam the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) has raped the Treasury And convinced the World that America is the Superhero Policeman And it needs our protection. So we’ve given the MIC every dollar we collect in tax revenue and borrow the rest from the FED bankers just to operate our Government. And FRANKLY Hiklary And the Democrats And Most of the Republicans continue to support the MIC. I represent a break from that way of thinking but the media has me trapped in a world where my waist girth and Israel’s Capitol matters more than rebuilding our infrastructure.

American Multicultural Nationalism is how “We the People” fight the Evil Globalist Cabal/Empire. The elite call it populism and really despise it. The United States has barely seen any quarter from the non-stop protests fomented by the useful idiots of the left causing the weak-minded on the right to stand up and defend the putrid memories of white supremacy.

I'm not in Favor of Globalism in the sense of how it's practiced between competing globalist agendas; agendas that put the United States on par with other countries or worse collude against us.

For ordinary people Protectionism is necessary when nations compete unevenly with regards to unbalanced statistics summarizing remuneration for labor in any given market.

True Globalism eliminates national borders; but Hegemonic Global Players seek cheap skilled labor making China so popular in the past which has created Chinese Globalists within the communist state. The competitiveness of the Chinese will soon wane and even they will be looking to outsource labor.

That's the attraction the non-Chinese Hegemonic Globalists have with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); to lock up (lock in) other Asian Countries to prevent China's Hegemony from availing themselves to outsourcing their increased needs for cheap and skilled labor in the future.

In essence Today's Hegemonic Globalists are not in favor of borders due to national protectionism and taxation but enjoy the exclusionary benefits the cheap skilled labor can provide for Multilateral Trade deals that exclude blacklisted foreigners.

They are truly evil.... but that brings me to a point which I've made about the fact that 'bad and good' actually do NOT exist outside of the framework of law or the rule of law. It's not a Socialist or capitalist mantra – it is pure logic regardless of economics.


If you want to make a difference in the world here’s how but first we need to end the Two Party system of puppets and handlers and gain third party seats in Congress.

Congress was capped in 1929 at 435 representatives. The original ratio was 1:30,000. Now since the cap the people's voices have been watered down to 1:750,000+-. Making our society VULNERABLE to the special interest Lobby allowing the special interests to fund and control OUR congress preventing the DIVERSITY it needs.... Increase the number of representatives to levels it cannot be bought and controlled and we take back our country plus we increase the opportunities for a real multi party system.

This is NOT EXPANDING THE STATE or expanding government like hiring more deep state employees to extort us but merely bringing government processes closer to our living rooms and providing better accountability.

Based on The US constitution's suggested representative ratio of 1:30,000, we should have 10,800 U.S. Representatives. Actual: 435. The actual ratio gives the People a voice of 1:750,000+- (We are virtually mute in the ears of our representatives. The only people they hear are the special interests). The states are better but still diluted. The EVIDENCE-BASED statistics are as follows.

Texas: Suggested-833 / Actual 150
Actual Ratio is 1:166,000+-

Florida: Suggested-676 / Actual 120
Actual Ratio is 1:169,000+-

California: Suggested-1,308 Actual 80
Actual Ratio is 1:490,000+-

Delaware with the lowest tax burden of any State has the best ratio of 1:23,000+-.

And our voices get watered down more and more every year as the ability of the special interests and the Vulnerable hoards they’ve created, to control elections gets easier and easier for the private lobbyists with all the money to control elections and tax policy to favor the 1%.

Sadness comes because I know the system has been stacked against us. Like the system confronting the people of Boston just before the Tea Party... Just before the revolution. There is no place to go though. The 1% has the middle class surrounded by 25 Million ENTITLEMENT Addicts and the 435 people in charge of defending my treasure and freedom cannot hear me, but instead, they have designed a Tax System requiring everyone to submit evidence of their income and allowable deductions causing the middle-class to support a consumer class which system doesn't tax the 1% like it hurts a small business owner.

We need to Convince congress to expand congress would be a great way to viscerally affect each member, so that they see every single constituent as a neighbor. This will cause them to seriously reflect on how their legislation affects their actual neighbors.


On the matter of civilian police Relations.

I’d like to produce a symbol for the Good Cops. A symbol whereby they agree to stop lying. Period. No more pretext stops. What do you think?

By wearing the symbol they agree to be good cops and respect civil rights and refuse to lie and refuse to create fictional lying pretexts to violate people’s rights.

A symbol for the good cop who would let 100 mere suspects go free in light of respecting civil rights rather than falsely accuse one innocent person. What should that look like?

They’ve got the Old Blue Line Symbol BUT it’s become synonymous with corruption and cover-ups.

Pretext Stops are when cops make up a believable lie in order to detain someone to go fishing for ID for warrant info etc And even personal residence information which really shouldn’t be available on the ID. They Turn mere suspicion into lies and use word games to entrap the suspect.

Do you think any cop would ever agree to never lie like that and to forego stopping someone and instead falling back to surveillance of the subject only watching for a crime to happen rather than creating the lying pretext harassment?


There use to be a time when "the right" people looked down upon anyone who behaved oddly. Back then they sent their women to the doctor due to bouts of melancholy or fits of anxiety for vaginal relief, But I digress.

Back then There were not really any laws of prohibition. But all throughout time some people behave in ways the "Right" people didn't approve of so they have slowly created systems to keep the "Trash" in-line. Jails, institutions, social clubs, The Clan and even Jim Crow laws and drug laws, to maintain a strict culture amongst everyone. That old school behavior is severely eroded now but the cultural battle between the conservatives and the liberals is still being waged.

Chaos and the disorder of poverty through communal economics vs stability and orderly behavior through individual economic accountability.

That's what this mess lately is really about. But the elite are neither right nor left and are funding the violence and hatred on both sides. The Antifa are not any better than the Nazis nor vice versa; both are evil who want to use propaganda to steal our freedom and multiculturalized national prosperity. But you know that already.

And However policing for profit and prohibitions have created a society where everyone is a potential perpetrator. And this is a problem! There should not be a black market in a free society but that doesn't mean mood altering chemicals are safe or healthy nor does a blessing from the FDA. Ijs. I watch the behavior of drunks and drug abusers and it's quite obvious neither one is Healthy for society. At the end of the day, however, I vote for FREEDOM WITHOUT A COMMUNIST NET; and Anarchy is a return to pre civilization insecurity and violent forces.

We must work to un-dilute our congress not fight windmills. We should have a congressional ratio of 1:30,000 but instead, today, we have a ratio of 1:750,000+-.

Again, Today’s ratio makes it possible for the special interests to control all the elections and gerrymander district boundaries.



You, my friend, should be working in government. You missed your calling.
Time to push the heartless people out and vote the thoughtful people in.
Start local and work your way up, I hear the pay is good.

Gracias! Me Gusta Panama’!

Give them papers and let them stay.

Turning that into a bhuddist chant!

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