Winners Announced! GoT Contest: Who Will Die and Who Will Survive Episode 3 - The Battle for Winterfell? (66 STEEM)

in #got-contest5 years ago


Warning: Spoilers

Season 8 Episode 3 - The Long Night

Well... what can I say? GoT delivered an amazing Battle at Winterfell and enough ebb and flow throughout the onslaught to keep us guessing until the final moments.

Overall, I feel the episode was awesome... yet with the Night King gone also a little disappointed to a certain extent as it may be difficult to generate the same amount of anticipation with a showdown between the armies of Cersei and Danerys for the Iron Throne. I mean they've been hyping up the Night King and Wight Walkers since the very first episode! Regardless, I'll certainly enjoy tuning in for the final 3 episodes in May.

Before we get down to business, I want to give a big shout out to @anomadsoul for donating 20 STEEM to the contest and also to @blocktrades for a big upvote. Thanks to their generosity the prize rewards have been increased.

The Dead

For a great summary of Episode 3 please check out fellow GoT fan @abh12345's post detailing the episode.

Game of Thrones - Seaons 8 Episode 3, Shenanigans

Lucky for me, @abh12345 went ahead and calculated the results as well.
Thanks for doing all the leg work my friend ;)

As of writing, the official deaths from the episode are as follows:

* Theon Greyjoy
* Sir Jorah Mormont
* Lyanna Mormont
* Beric Dondarrion
* The Red Woman Melyssandra
* The Night King
* Vesirion (Dragon)


A lot of people predicted Theon, Jorah and Beric's demise and there were a lot of people who also predicted that the blue flame breathing beast Vesirion would go down as well.

My apologies for forgetting Ed of the Night's Watch, with so many characters I knew there would be someone I forgot to include in the official list. Ed also met his maker after saving Sam from an rabid wight attack. I don't know how Sam survived, or Brienne, Jamie, Thormond either as they were constantly being over-run by swarms of enemies.

For myself, seeing as I predicted 13 characters would perish in the episode... well I really thought there would be more biting the dust in true GoT fashion. But, I was also glad that some of my favorites will continue on.


For the characters who passed away, the show did a good job to give the characters a proper send off with valiant and brave endings. The majority of whom died trying to save those that they love: Jorah protecting Danni, Theon defending Bran and Beric holding back the hoards allowing Arya to escape certain death.

Of course we can't forget to mention the hero of the episode, none other than the Faceless Men Assassin herself, Arya Stark. Everything looked doomed and if any characters were left that could possibly do anything to change the outcome, I thought it could only be Bran or Arya. In the final moments, I thought Bran was going to finally Warg into a dragon and kill the Night King himself but it was Arya's bold action that saved everyone from becoming part of the miserably unkept, drooling cadaverous freak show of the vanquished.


Prediction Results


Congratulations to you all, great predictions!

There's a slight chance that there may be a death or 2 from the chaotic battle that won't be confirmed until the next episode. For this reason, I'll be sending out the Steem rewards to the winners next week.

@blocktrades = 30 STEEM

@deanlogic = 15 STEEM

@afolwalex = 7 STEEM

@bluemist = 7 STEEM

@ange.nkuru = 7 STEEM

Future GoT Contests


Hosting this contest was a lot of fun and made watching the episode a little more exciting. This was only suppose to be a one off Episode 3 contest, but it seems as though there are enough true GoT fans out there that holding another contest would be quite popular and seems worthwhile.

I didn't have a lot of time to put any real thought into this one and it was quite simplistic, so I'm throwing it out there - @abh12345 or anyone else out there who's like to collaborate on making another GoT contest with me - I'm ready and willing ;)

If you have any suggestions or preferences please comment below, I'd like to get some input from the community on how to make the next edition even better.
Cheers, thanks for all your support and participation in this contest.


"All Men Must Die"

Image Credits




Nothing better than a GOT contest at present :)

No worries on doing the tallying up, I'll try to get it 100% correct next time. Hopefully people will come up with a few suggestions on what could be predicted/scored. So far I've got boob count, wine chugs... :)

As long as the boobs are not Aryas, nobody asked for that.


I'm so in awe. She has literally been training for this moment from season/episode 1.

The tiny people were strong in this episode.

Jon was meh.
Sansa was meh.
Bran still has a role to play it seems - and since the White Walkers have been a threat since episode one... They still have some role to play, at least history/mystery/plot wise. What has Bran seen while he was 'gone' anyway?

Anyway, epicness. Thanks for doing the contest, it made me a little competitive and check out more fan videos than I otherwise would have. And boy were they and I wrong :D


Yup, the coup de grace from Arya was great!
Did she jump out of a tree or off the castle wall...I mean she was a good 5m off the ground?
I didn't expect Bran to just sit there and space out the entire time but he didn't seem phased by anything.

It was an intense episode and a pleasure to watch.
I kept thinking - man I wish I could watch this episode in a movie theater.
I hope they keep it up right up until the end of the final episode.
Thanks for joining in the fun!

I've seen some people suggest that she was flown there by the ravens that Bran controlled... :D Would be epic right? :D He's also the one giving her the blade (that he was stabbed with) with which she killed the Night King. So maybe he just planned all of it all along.

It was really intense - and I didn't sleep well afterwards :') And yes, this is an episode that's worthy of cinema screen! I know a local film theater that does some crazy stuff from time to time, I'm definitely going to ask them to make it happen :-)


It would be awesome to see a little bit of what happened from Bran's perspective (through his eyes) in the next episode. At least, that's what I would do if I was a screen writer. But I'm not, so I'll just leave it up to them :)

:D Yes, curious to see what we'll get told from Bran's 'journey' :-) Some say he flew Arya with 'his' crows towards the Night King :P
Posted with

When they showed one of the Nigh King's "princes" hair blow from behind, that was Arya running past them. She was just moving very fast.

And boy were they and I wrong :D

Told you... :D

Damn Blockchain ....

Congratulations for the winners, I'm looking forward to the next episode contest

Posted using Partiko Android

@blocktrades always had a strong case, I am just glad I beat the buckshot attempt of @abh12345

It was a lot of fun to participate but it annoyed my wife to hear, "picked that one, missed that one"...

Lol, well I was in the same boat as @abh12345 calling over a dozen deaths - meh, a half-dozen just about quenches my blood lust... somewhat satisfied.

Somewhat. And back to singing and drinking next week it seems? Then episode 5 :D

I imagine that's how it's going to go with another huge battle in episode 5.

And hopefully during the daylight hours so we can see our favourite characters bite the dust!

Don't worry, There is a lot of time left for more death.


The excitement got the better of me, many more of them should be toast though! Sam was laying on them like a water bed at one point...

Well done BT!

I agree... Sam should have been a goner.. would have given me a point. :D

Wow! I'm glad to be one of the prospective winners. 😁

If you have any suggestions or preferences please comment below, I'd like to get some input from the community on how to make the next edition even better.

We have four more seasons to go, so the final battle is definitely not in the next episode; the chances of more people dying is slim then. I'd have said you should go on with "who dies and who lives". We can have a contest where users will give a hint of what will happen in the next episode. Something exact, not close.

For example, my input can be "John Snow will let the north know he is a Targaeran. The mother of dragon will be furious and then convince people he's lying; his act will make him locked up in a prison." I'm no seer, it's just an illustration. 😁

If this happens exactly like this, then I will get the whole point. Points given will be based on how close a participant's answer is.

I'm just thinking out loud. There might be better ways to host a contest on episode 4.

I'm looking forward to the next episode and redeeming my price.

What no prize for being dead last? Took a lot of effort to be so wrong. 😸

It must have been an agonizing selection process!

Imagine if the night king won, then killed everyone in the south and crossed the narrow sea with the series ending as Everything from Bravos to Qarth is turned to ice. Truly disappointed with the lack of death. Some scenes reminded me of an 80s action flick where the heros miraculously dodged 1000s of bullets.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, like the A-Team with bullets hitting the ground all around their feet!
Well, there's a chance that the books my deviate wildly from the TV series ending...but I'm not holding my breath waiting for George RR (rest and relaxation) Martin.

You are right, Night King will definitely be missed because not really sure what they planned for rest of 3 episodes if one of them includes the Final War.

Thank you for this exciting fun contest.

I was also low-key hoping there would be more deaths but I'm glad I only entered a few in the contest. I want the final battle to be bloody as hell though(only way it would be worh Cersei's time) and for that reason I might just go ham in the next phase.

Who knew killing off characters would be this much fun, George was onto something all along. :p Once again cheers for the contest and congrats to it's winners!

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