What Are You Doing With This Information Today.

in #gospel7 years ago


One of the challenges of the Bible student is what to do with a book written spanning about 4000 years of human history. Tons of writers, different dispensations, cultures and professions and skills yet the SAME MESSAGE, however communicated differently! It would have been easier in 450BC to read Isaiah, Jeremiah and the prophets, there and then I would have been acquainted with the mode of Communication-The PROPHETS!
Today, we face the dilemma of reading and studying a now-completed book that includes when promises were made with when they were fulfilled, when man was separated from God, now with when God reconciled with man. We can go on and on.
A good bible study however will be able to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Timothy 2: 15)!
Let us see how the Scriptures speak of these different modes of communication.
Hebrews 1: 1 God, who gave our forefathers many different glimpses of the truth in the words of the prophets,
2 has now, at the end of the present age, given us the truth in the Son. Through the Son God made the whole universe and to the Son he has ordained that all creation shall ultimately belong.
3 This Son, radiance of the glory of God, flawless expression of the nature of God, himself the upholding principle of all that is, effected in person the reconciliation between God and man and then took his seat at the right hand of the majesty on high. (JB PHILLIPS TRANSLATION)
This readily explains How God communicated His Word in the different ages. You will not readily see Christ mentioned in those books, rather you will see Him taught and spoken of in types and shadows. Let’s examine another portion of scripture.
Luke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
Here is Jesus explaining from the scriptures (Genesis through Malachi) things that were said concerning Himself.
He must have showed them that Abel’s offering was a type of himself, hence God’s word to Abel, as this granted the latter a right standing with God.
He must have showed them Noah’s Ark was Christ as wood put together to save people from judgment.
No ark can deliver from God’s judgment. Rather it was a shadow of Jesus' finished, substitutionary work and sacrifice.
He must have let them see Isaac wasn’t the seed but was symbolic of it as the seed is Christ. A Child of Promise, A child of The Spirit!
When they got to Genesis 14, the appearance of Melchizidek must have caused some to stumble. He must have showed them how old Melchi stood in Christ’s stead as a priest without descent in Levi. He functioned as Priest and King- This was to foreshadow Christ.
On mount Moriah, He must have showed them how Isaac’s sacrifice was figurative, hence the lamb was Jehovah’s lamb which He foresaw, provided by Jireh, The one who foresees!
In Moses' days He must have showed them that all the sacrifices, meats and drinks were ALL, ONE AND THE SAME- representing Christ Alone!
What an interesting Bible Study. No revs, no esoteric explanations, just plain telling them what The Spirit communicated in types and shadows!
Hence the lovely rule for bible interpretation is presented below:
• Christ the Word is seen in Genesis in germ form, seed figures
• He is in the Law as shadows from all the sacrifices and offerings
• He is revealed in the Psalms in the Sacred songs of David as Prophecy
• In the Prophets as God’s promise of Salvation in the prophecies of the Prophets
• In the four Gospels as the WORD BECAME FLESH
He is seen no longer in types and shadows or as a promise or prophecy. He is rather seen as The Substance, The promise and prophecy fulfilled! Clear? We are in Him today and He is in us to stay. This is no day for types and symbols it is the Day of The Church!
Jesus is lord,We win

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