#GooglyEyes 👀 - Ducknapping Part #3 / EntFührung Teil #3

in #googlyeyes7 years ago

Duckie has been missing for almost a week now. He left no message or other hints of his whereabouts. The case has been assigned to Bart Bull. Up to now, the only testimony points to Walter Washcycle, a notorious criminal.

You're asking yourself what this is about? Has @okkiedot gone mad?
Click here for part #1 and part #2 of the Ducknapping. 👀

Duckie wird nun schon seit fast einer Woche vermisst. Er hat weder eine Nachricht noch andere Hinweise auf seinen Verbleib hinterlassen. Daraufhin wurde Bart Bulle auf den Fall angesetzt. Eine einzige Zeugenaussage bringt Walter Waschgang, den berüchtigten Kriminellen, mit dem Fall in Verbindung.

Du fragst dich was das hier soll? Ist @okkiedot bekloppt geworden?
Klick die folgenden Links für Teil #1 and Teil #2 der EntFührung. 👀

Bart Bull has been suspended permanently because of issues with his behavior, especially towards his superiors, meaning he does not accept superiors at all. Still, he was one the best cops we ever had.

Bart Bulle war eigentlich dauerhaft beurlaubt. Er hatte so seine Probleme mit seinen Vorgesetzten, nein, eigentlich damit, dass er überhaupt Vorgesetzte hatte. Trotzdem war er einer der besten Bullen, die wir jemals hatten.

It was only a matter of time till he found Walter...and Duckie!

Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit bis er Walter gefunden hatte...und Duckie!

Walter had swallowed Duckie alive and was keeping him hostage in his washing drum. When did this happen? And why?

Walter hatte Duckie im Ganzen lebendig verschlungen und hielt ihn nun in seiner Waschtrommel gefangen. Wie ist es nur dazu gekommen? Und warum?

After this shocking reveal, it is up to you. What is going to happen next? Do you want a happy end? Or should I let Duckie die? Leave your comments and suggest the next step. I am going to try to continue the story using your ideas :)

Will we see Duckie ever again? Stay tuned.

Nach dieser schockierenden Enthüllung, liegt es nun an Euch. Was soll geschehen? Möchtet ihr ein Happy End? Oder möchtet ihr, dass ich Duckie sterben lasse? Schreibt Eure Ideen in die Kommentare. Ich werde sie dann aufgreifen und die Geschichte entsprechend weitergehen lassen :)

Werden wir Duckie jemals wiedersehen? Bleibt dran.

If you like what you see, make sure to follow!
And shoutout to @fraenk and thanks a lot for bringing #GooglyEyes 👀 to Steemit!

Wenn es Euch gefallen hat, dann folgt mir für mehr!
Danke an @fraenk , der die #GooglyEyes 👀 auf Steemit gebracht hat!

Yours/ Euer, @okkiedot

#googlyeyes #thingswitheyes #photography #deutsch #story

Ooh, I think I like the happy ending. Maybe duckie gets out the little door to the lower left in the last photo? We can hope so. Very fun storytelling, thanks for the fun.

Thank you for the idea :) I'll wait a couple of days hoping for more input...

oooooh... this is difficult... I like happy dappy stuff... but let's face it, happy endings are quite boring most of the time...

I'd like to see you take that duckie for another spin and give it a dark film noir twist for the final act.

Well, if you stay the only one commenting, I'll have to comply... :P

Hahaha... well... I am not a great friend of compliance... so go with the flow mate :D

On another note, you upvoted this post in #GooglyEyes that only features images taken off other websites... I'd actually appreciate if that could somehow be corrected... just saying :P or maybe you had valid reasons for upvoting I dunno... none of my business actually... just trying to keep the tag as original as possible!

Ok, no further input until payout. Well, I think I'm goin' to follow the "one more spin" suggestion. Have my plan ready :) Might take a couple of days more to shot the pics, but it is definitely coming :D

heh... awesome... I was actually just yesterday thinking if there's gonna be a pt.4 any time soon ;)

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