๐Ÿ‘€ #GooglyEyes ๐Ÿ“ท "Slow-Down!" Stan - Things With Eyes Vol.63

in #googlyeyes โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

This is Stan.

And he has trouble catching his breath.

"Slow down! We have to slow down!"


Stan is just like most of us. He has never experienced life in a natural environment.

He was raised and nurtured, sheltered away from life's inherent struggles.

He learned to stand in a neat row and accepted the absence of freedoms that came with the protections mandated to him by the plant nursery he was born into.


"Why does nobody hear my screams?!"


But all this cultivation would not prepare him for the real challenges he'd eventually have to face.

He never had a chance to grow his roots naturally, and then he was expected to embed himself in a world where his existence would be devoid of purpose or potential.

A world that barely noticed him, which was shaped by forces he could not understand.


"Does nobody see why this is all wrong?!"


And so he's standing there now, in the local park, trying to get a grasp of his surroundings, trying to make sense of things.

Scarred by the harsh treatment of reality and tormented by the abusive nature of the creatures that share his fate, he is beginning to understand that this is not how things should be.

He has opened his eyes, he's trying to digest what he's able to capture. But evolution hasn't prepared him for the pace of this unnatural environment.

Everything seems to be happening in a blur.


"We cannot just continue like this... we need to slow things down!"


His physical being is in a constant state of lingering panic, trying to find meaning in the cacophony of fast paced stimulation.

What is real? What is important? What is just noise and what is deception?


"Where are you even running to?!"


Our physical existence might be constrained, but true freedom unfolds in our minds!

Stop panicking. Time will always pass at it's own infinite pace.

Things often just happen, but we are the ones creating their meaning.

Maybe we can learn to appreciate our insignificance and thus become the masters of our own cages.


feel your breath

experience your heartbeat

take your time

I wanted to make a funny spin about the struggles of being "slow" and discovering your own pace.
Instead I created this cynical, weird, motivational rant. But if hat's how inspiration unfolds, I'll have to accept it.

everything is better with #GooglyEyes

even time itself... if you give it some space ;)

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ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Stan is wondering why @fraenk chose his name for a mockery?
Is it just a coincidence that you have not been around and now I see this when I wonder what happened to you?

hehehe... depending on which way you look at the world, either there's no such thing as coincidence or everything is nothing but that... ;)

ah man... the heatwave struck and off-chain life got weirdly busy... I'm still here, I just slowed down a bit ;)

nice to know you'd wonder, though ;)

Great story. I see that Stan is a pioneer of a peaceful style. Perhaps people learn to live calmly so that even natural creatures have peace.

Indeed... he just needs to learn to calm his nerves a little and he'll get there.

"opening the eyes" can come with a lot of excitement and create emotional reactions that are slightly out of proportion... but as time continues to progress and as thoughts begin to settle, inner peace will follow ;)

One must stop and perceive. Otherwise there was nothing he wants to open his eyes;-)

Hehe, must be terrifying for Stan - standing there, watching the world whizz by!
Reminded me of Rock Solid Rick's story!

heh... yeah, I think Rick could really help Stan along to accept the passage of time. Stan is still panicking but Rick's already contempt with eternity... maybe living as a concrete cast probably comes with a more pronounced sense of stability and continuity than being a feeble young tree... heh...

gosh, there's a whole box of analogies I'd like to use to compare their perspectives... but that would blow this comment out of proportion. Thanks for the inspiring throwback!

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

When any of us feel anxious, we freeze for a moment. During that time, weโ€™re not processing information as fast as we might otherwise be. We may take longer to respond, make decisions or size up situations.

Thatโ€™s how anxiety can impact processing speed. But slow processing speed can also create feelings of anxiety.

It can be hard, then, to tell where the anxiety stops and the slow processing speed begins.

source: a random education website

now digest this for a moment and if you want, you could go and read: "The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More"

Its really funny
Those eyes are like a frog shape lol.
Nice creativity

Its really funny
Those eyes are like a frog shape lol.
Nice creativity

I wonder if anyone ever noticed the eyes on the tree?

Yeah... I guess most people are so caught up in their battle against time, they just won't notice... but there's a playground nearby, some curious kids might see him...

I expect one of the kids to go like this:


lol... giving Stan a creeped out sideye?!

I would hope for a bit more excitement...

[inserts random stock photo of "excited child pointing finger"]

Well at least he is tree. So he isn't a bush-over :D

lol... but actually... I didn't get it... what's a bush-over supposed to be?!

push-over :D

oh... lol... yeah, that could have been obvious...

I guess I had a slow day myself :P

The third photo of Stan is my favourite, seeing him in all his glory!

haha... yeah... all his glory, exploding hair and bendy posture...

I initially wanted to end the post on that 3rd shot, but then this whole tale of haste and time came to mind and I decided to include the by-passer-blurs for more context.

Love this post :-) it's worthwhile to slow down and read such things :D and that expression is magically comical.๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thanks man :D and yes, a bit of deceleration and contemplation won't harm us at all...

Poor Stan!

Yeah... it's not easy to adapt to a hostile reality and live an alien life...

Even human have difficulty, let alone Stan!!!

Stan is an owl!
A very well camouflaged owl :D
Tricked ya good lol

an owl... hehe... really?!

lol... I'm bending my imagination and yeah... I think maybe I can see it...

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