Who is your big brother?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #google5 years ago


Who is your big brother?

Enjoy the answer to the question in a brand new song:

"Big Brother" - MC Joe In Here
Featuring @mariogrip and @wayneoutthere


Google is your big brother, and it's so big
Watchin over you, watchin over you
Big big brother
Google is your big brother and I want to get away from that brother.

I'm your big brother, I'm king of the hill
Mountain view, watching you
Twin peaks for a thrill, chill

I'm on fire, walk with me, and take the blue pill
Retire outta wonderland and get your mind filled

Don't you wonder woman how I got my name built?
Like Xerox copied right, while you're left dyin' to print still

You at a loss o' words, like an invisible inkjet,
I'm a household name, you ain't even learn to think yet

Trust me, lust free, I'll give you the high bet
Come with me if you wanna live it up in the sky net

It's useless to resist sis, i'm tellin you straight,
I just queried myself, and it says you're too late

I'm a big number, but I'm still number one
lead guitar, search star
you're just the algorithm.

It's an inconvenient truth
I got the voice and the voters
all your text and you photos
even got your bare pig, man.

Here's global warning
Don't look at what I'm storing
it's really kind of boring
So can back it up fam.

I'm on the elevator of big data
It's no debate, i'll see ya later
on your new webcam

fast, empty your trash and your cache,
homes, gimme your fat stash, so no one will see
say goodbye to free will to roam
snow crash, strap maps to your dash,
all roads lead to me

I'm a big name, people call out to me
You think you got the gift, just cuz you on TV

I got presence, life sentence, down youTube, like christmas eve
drop that iStack, clack clack, and fall from the tree

You're a jungle, you're a fruit, but I'm the only G.
No matter what you do you won't be better than me.

You just a beta to me; a retainer to me
indentured hater to me, in this digital gulag
it's a bite outta me,
can't take the fight outta me,
You might sell a to z,
but I'm the alpha bit, dog

sing the song, cuz we belong with one another
Even when I'm gone, I'll still be your big brother

#UBports #UbuntuTouch #BigBrother

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