Google Saves for Big Brother

in #google3 years ago

Google pays their engineers very well to create the gates around the population, to harvest and project all their efforts back at them. I am not a Google programmer hater, but it is important to understand the ramifications of handing over all data to Google. Google can rewrite any book it wants, deliver all results ranked on what it says is the truth, deny services to anyone it wants, and like I said, copy any idea it harvests. No individual can compete. How about, I would like to start my own local taxi service similar to Uber, what do you think happens with my Google services when I do?

Also, if there is one trend I see in all the "public and open services" offered, NONE of them are actually open to using by the public for personal use and ALL are gated through cloud services. Companies like Google make sure the complexity is high enough to only allow a corporation to develop the data structure and only allow users to work within a simplistic form of the structure, and at the same time claim ownership of all data within its structures. Once it has harvested enough data for a new project (a new start-up company), the public is locked out, the service is shut down and either moved out of reach of the public (support is phased out) and/ or the public is offered access to their own data as a pay-only service.

All these things completely destroy all ways for small businesses and individuals to set up their own means to make a living on the internet without the centrally controlled data structures. So central controlled data structures continuously phase out data access for the people who build them and re-use this data to set up a new corporation or present it as a product. 'Phasing out" services is actually "harvesting" the efforts of the people. The costs are the Google programmer salaries (hardware purchases are state-subsidized from national security funding) and the population gets to pay without any means of reaping the results of their own work.

If you think I made this up, take a look at any big website or "free" service and look at how money is made. And to make it all worse, Google Ads is the cover for state subsidies, corporations get state funds from the too-big-to-fail banks, that invest in new startups (set up from user data structures and tracking data collection) through investment funds. And these new startup corporations buy ads from Google with the bailout money invested in them. At no point can any small business compete. Data is collected on new products/new trends, when a new product or startup emerges Google spots the trend (trends are sold to investment funds) and all competition is squashed systematically. Only University developed technologies are allowed to flourish, through corporate funding of University projects. Using students makes sure all contracts are signed by naive people and copyright control remains with the military-industrial complex under the guise of national security. We are well beyond the era of cartel industries, we are in the era of state-enforced data-fascism.

It's not even socialism anymore, in fact, any talk of old world concepts of capitalism and socialism no longer apply. Only fascism applies and this whole system is covered with a veneer of a continuous stream of ad propaganda, telling us all these things are what is called freedom and all served to you by, you guessed it, Google. Google also tells us which presidential candidates are popular from its data collection statistics and informs the public who the real candidates are and also informs us of the voting results. I advise you to RE-READ 1984 and try to understand what is written there, comparing the world of Big Brother, who is Big Data, to the world we live in. And when you understand try to tell others, I dare you, see how far you get.

You will probably find yourself relegated to a gated social media site for "free expression" set up by “ex”-Google programmers, where the terrorists who are against Big Brother are studied for future re-education and imitation. Imitation that is made harmless and void of meaning, which is then projected to the public as forms of "revolution" and " dissent". While being impotent this data can safely be used as a honey pot to round up new revolutionaries, which are then evaluated for re-education or are collected into semi-radical groups. Groups that are headed by state agents that radicalize the members for the purpose of protests in line with the agendas of the day, which then later gets explained as terror and after the patsies are rounded up, to disappear until broken and re-educated or never to be seen again. Ensuring that no true form of dissent against Big Brother will ever rise in any new generation again. While the media (mainstream or infiltrated) makes sure that the terror, supposedly caused by the revolutionary patsies, keeps the public in fear and hates the enemies of Big Brother.

Every day the public is encouraged to watch their two minutes of news hate and every day the public is reassured to know who is right and who is wrong. And every day none of the events make sense or do any details add up to real events. All reports are sanitized from any real data and replaced by false data to prohibit scrutiny, to hide the fact that the events are organized by the state through their network of state-controlled groups of revolutionaries. Or to hide the fact that individuals, that refuse group organization with its false leadership, are targeted by professional killers, to be patsies for the very same state-endorsed terror events that ensure the right target group of the day is blamed and hated.

But you don't have to be revolutionary to become a patsy made for the agendas of Big Brother, you can be just the most convenient target according to available local resources, calculated by Big Brother Data collection and resources controlled through standardized training and situations controlled through the means of exercises. The dates of these events are selected for optimum effect by Big Data through algorithms that take into account historic dates and occult or religious relevance, for maximum psychological effect on the largest possible selection of the population. You can also become an enemy of the state by, intentionally or merely through circumstance, possessing information that can uncover state perpetrated crimes to further its ever-increasing agenda of control. Big Data will find you before you know what you really know and how to convey this to others. However, some are protected by an unknown force, rumored to be operated by an unidentified entity through an as of yet unknown medium and more data is urgently needed to identify, address and neutralize this threat to Big Brother. Therefore all agents, employees, executives, and external sources must increase all efforts systematically, preferably by increasing data collection exponentially and pre-identifying all enemy actors and enemy agendas through all possible scenario simulations from all known data points.

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