Earn 100$ daily from Google!

in #googlelast month (edited)

Earn 100$ daily from Google!

Google Plus Money Making Tactics

How to Uncover A Profitable?
"Market and Keywords"
To start creating your Google Cash Site the very first thing you will
need to do is to choose a market or niche to target and then we will
need to find a keyword that can be monetized and most importantly
profit from.
Our Google Cash Site will be based around a single long tailed
keyword. By long tailed keyword I mean a phrase that someone
would type into the Google search engine that contains at least 3 or
more words and no less.

The main reason our site is going to rank on the 1st page of
Google for that search term is because our well written website will
be laser targeted around that keyword.
And remember with the coming methods you will know exactly how
many people are searching for that exact keyword.


How to Uncover a Profitable?
"Market/Niche you can monetize"
There are a number of ways to find a profitable Market or Niche that
is easy to monetize.
The best way to do this is to put yourself in the shoes of the
potential searcher. For example: When you want to buy a TV or
Computer you would probably go to your local store but if you were
searching for a way to fix a sexual issue or a personal issue
most people would be too shy to go to their local store and ask for
a solution so they then turn to the internet to search for an
answer to their problem. These markets are going to be the best
ones to try and target.

One tried and tested method to find a good market is to look on
sites like yahoo answers and ask.com both of these plus many
others are great sources to find markets to target. Just look at the
common questions that people are asking and list some of these
down, this will show you what people are searching for online and
most importantly what they are obviously having trouble finding
the answers or solutions they require.

Sometimes the best way is to target a market or niche that
interests you or you have experience in.
Some good Niches I have targeted that have been profitable for me are:
.Cell Spying
.Reverse number look up
.Weight Loss
.Wedding planning
.Sexual issues
.Personal Development

These are just a handful of niches that I have used in the past to
help get your brain ticking over. Try to think outside the box and
really get yourself lost in the shoes of others as there are thousands
and thousands of different Niches you can target.


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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66