"Don't Be Evil.. That's Our Job" - Uncovering the dark side of Google ("Goo Ghoul") - Part 1 - Background and funding

in #google7 years ago (edited)


If you have half a brain, you already know that there is something wrong with Google. Yet, even those that are extremely well-informed are likely missing a number of the darker aspects of Google. I want to uncover some of the lesser known, very suspicious, and very dark aspects of Google here as well as in a number of follow on posts.


Some interesting background to Google and other Bay Area / Salish Sea tech firms

So as many people know, Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google out of the Internet search research that they were doing together at Stanford University in the late 90s as part of the Stanford Digital Library Project. What most people don't think about however is that Stanford University is probably one of the key US government secret project locations for the CIA and for dark projects - including really dark ones like Monarch and MK-Ultra. The Stanford Research Institute has been given a "cover" as some high end ESP lab but it's real mission is to work on and implement global mind control technologies in conjunction with their sister organization in the UK called the Tavistock Institute. They along with another highly recognizable, major secret government organization called Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (on the other side of the Bay) are fed by Stanford University and the University of California Berkley (think Timothy Leary and CIA LSD experiments). Lawrence Livermore's job is not just to work on nuclear bombs, but to research and develop any other weapons of mass destruction and deception as well as act as a premier think tank for the Military Industrial Complex (read Deep State.) Leaving these above bigger Deep State fish aside, the Stanford Computer Science department has had it's own major Military Industrial Complex funding since at least 1984 through Stanford’s Heuristic Programming Project.

The Bay Area in general is the heart of the high tech Military Industrial Complex along with its satellite locations of Seattle and Vancouver. If you take these two hub locations into account they cover all the fastest growing and most ominous tech companies in the world - Google (& YouTube), Facebook, PayPal, Palantir, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft (& Skype), Oracle, HP, D-Wave Systems, and Tesla. Their combined control over global computing, communications, data, hardware, and even space technology is almost unimaginable. This concentration of companies and their rapid growth is not a coincidence. It's because the majority of these organizations have been focused around key Military Industrial Complex projects, funding sources, and/or their bases of operations. This is where their incredibly rapid success has come from; not from the BS stories that you have been fed about entrepreneurial genius.


Coming back to Google, the fact that Google arose out of Stanford and was originally funded by figures like Jeff Bezos (think CIA Amazon Cloud) should already make you suspicious. When you realize that Brin's and Page's previous Digital Library Initiative at Stanford was funded by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of National Assessments (ONA), NASA, and DARPA, then you should be even more suspicious. Now add to these observations some excellent additional research done on the funding of Sergey Brin at Stanford by the CIA/NSA through their MDDS program and some really big questions arise. Some of these big questions are: how the Brin family ever got official permission to leave the Soviet Union in 1979; how Sergey's father ended up as a professor at the University of Maryland (just outside DC); and how Sergey's mother got her security clearance to become a researcher with the NASholes at NASA. This certainly doesn't sound like the typical poor immigrant story to me.

If you throw in Google's known funding connections to the CIA / NSA / DoD venture capital firm In-Q-Tel that not only funded Google but pretty much all the other firms on the above list, you start to see a bigger picture coming into view. However it's not just the handover of In-Q-Tel's Keyhole EarthViewer to Google Earth that helps paints this bigger picture. The Stanford professors (along with Jeff Bezos) that originally funded Google - Andreas Bechtolsheim (a.k.a Andreas Maria Maximilian Freiherr von Mauchenheim genannt Bechtolsheim) and David Cheriton - are also linked to DARPA and participate in the Pentagon's Highland Forum for identifying, investing in, and applying technology and technology firms.

google spy.jpg

Eventually you can't help but realize that Google from its very inception in the Digital Library Initiative at Stanford was a planned initiative to pull in computer scientists that would create a Deep State sponsored business to index all Internet data and at the same time spy on the globe. You can then add to this the very high likelihood that Brin's family and background was already linked to the Deep State through his parents who were shuttled to the US from the Soviet Union and given high level research positions by the CIA.

What you should take away from these observations is that major tech companies like Google are actually planned from their inception, funded, and indirectly led by the Deep State for far more nefarious purposes than you would ever want to imagine. No wonder Google is called Alphabet now; it's basically become a grab bag of privatized Deep State projects being directed covertly by all the Deep State "alphabet agencies." Brin and Page are very likely just honorary leaders now with the Deep State indirectly or directly in control of all the major projects and new startup companies at Google.

I'll be following up on this post with far more on "the Goo Ghoul" and point out their plans for what is essentially the SkyNet that they appear to be building.

In the meantime, I leave you to have a listen to the video below (at 7 minutes in) describing Dr. Jerome Corsi's view of Google as a CIA creation and former CEO Eric Schmidt (a regular Bilderberg attendee and listed Trilateralist Commission member) as a CIA spook who drives the organization on behalf of the CIA:


This article sums up very well why China forbade Silicon Valley companies to grow on their soil, and instead copied the tech and setup their own home-grown equivalent of Amazon, Google etc...

Exactly. China and Russia are both in the process of building their own technology to get around the use of the US spy behemoths. I don't know if I would ever trust Chinese software since they are building the biggest independent Big Brother state on the planet, but the Russians' software could get interesting over time.

Boogle is pure evil.

If you understand that your subconscious does not hear "no", then Boogle's motto is


True, the subconscious won't pick it up and could very well be one of the reasons they chose it.

Google, Facebook, and Palantir are pretty much the trinity of evil at this point. I'm quite concerned how the vast majority of people don't seem to pay any attention to them and what they are really up to.

So what's the best alternative to google?

Unfortunately none of the options are ideal, but here's a list of them: https://www.lifewire.com/search-engines-google-alternatives-3486155

I wouldn't use Microsoft (Bing) or Yahoo either, so this pretty much leaves StartPage and DuckDuckGo.

Startpage is very privacy oriented but still uses Google in the background as an anonymized source. This means that anything that Google memory-holes will not be available on StartPage either.

DuckDuckGo uses quite a number of different search sources to get past the potential Google "memory-hole" problem. They anonymize your access as well, but not sure how it compares to StartPage in this regard.

You should read all Roberto Saviano's books and the world will appear entirely different.

Thanks for the tip, I will definitely check him out.

This is why I love your posts, I think I know a fair whack of knowledge about a subject and find out I really only see the tip of the iceberg.
Good post!

Thanks a lot for the complement and the upvote! To be fair, I was extremely lucky to be able to find and pull together the excellent research of a lot of other people for the above post. I've pretty much just consolidated it, condensed it, and have had a look for any additional twists and big picture views that others haven't found yet.

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