Google Home Vs Amazon Alexa: Which one will lead in 2019?

in #google6 years ago

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Voice Assistance: The Future of the Technology

Voice technology has been with us for many years and evolving over time. Whether it was an automated voice recognition mobile phone system that failed to understand accents or those voice-to-text Dictaphones that inaccurately copy our voice. But failures of these systems have never stopped new innovations in the voice technology.
2018 has witness the major paradigm shift in interacting with the real world changed with the advent of the latest voice assistant; widely known as the Amazon Alexa, Google home, Apple Homepod and more.

In today’s article, we are going to discuss the two widely popular voice technology-assisted devices ( Google home Vs Amazon Alexa) and their uses in the individual as well as industry level.

But before diving deeply into this technology we will make it easy for you to understand what voice technology is and what are its practical usages.

The text above is just a summary, you can read the Full Article here: Google Home Vs Amazon Alexa

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