Google activate Pixel Visual Core for Whatsapp, Instagrram and Snapchat
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Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL phones comes with a processor called Pixel Visual Core. Among its tasks is to improve the processing and speeding of images, as well as save energy by relying on the processing of images instead of relying on the processor of both phones.
The Pixel Visual Core processor was not activated when I launched my Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL but it was activated in both phones when they arrived for both the Android 8.1 update and Oreo and today Google announced that the processor will also be activated inside the third party camera applications.
Google has announced that the Pixel Visual Core processor will be activated now within the applications of Instagram, Watasab, Snape Chat and other social networking applications and chat. This means that users of the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL when they take pictures from within the applications Instagram and Watasab and Snab Chat and others will be the same quality pictures that Are captured by the main camera application in both phones.
The giant Pixel Visual Core processor will be activated within third-party applications with the February security update that will arrive today for the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL phones and announced that another update to Pixel phones this week will add new virtual reality posters
Google just keeps improoving