Good Morning, Steemit! Fri, May 26th

2017-05-23 08.09.10.pngGood Morning, Steemit! How are you today?

Plans? Goals? Hopes? Disappointments? Surprises? Achievements? Looking forward to something? Dreading something? How's work? School? Life?

Yep, that's right, I'm still trying to make this happen. I am not giving up on this.

Please feel free to reply to this regardless of time of day. You're also more than welcome to comment throughout the day as things unfold.

Sorry for getting this up so late this morning (10:53am my time).

My day is already off to an unpleasant start. I was almost two hours late for my morning meds. Plans for today are to work on improving my digital art through my second Freebie Friday post (which I'll be putting up in a few minutes), possibly work on my headphones again and making another picture story documenting the process and the "did I succeed, or did I destroy them?" feeling. (If you haven't seen my headphone repair post last night, please consider taking a look at it, I'm extremely happy with it.)

Also working on folding origami cranes, and hopefully making a few more origami tutorials to post this weekend.

Now, off to get stuff done!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64222.70
ETH 2651.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77