Super Quotes #98 : Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Without a firm idea of himself and the purpose of his life, man cannot live, and would sooner destroy himself than remain on earth, even if he was surrounded by bread.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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And, beginning to grind his teeth again, Pyotr Petrovich admitted that he'd been a fool--but only to himself, of course.

And then there's another snag you keep coming across: such decent and sensible people keep appearing in life, such wise men, and such lovers of the human race who, throughout their lives, set themselves the very task of conducting themselves as properly and sensibly as possible, as it were to enlighten their neighbors for the very purpose of proving to them that it is really possible to live decently and sensibly on this earth. And so?

It is well known that, sooner or later, towards the ends of their lives, many of these people have betrayed themselves by committing some ludicrous act or another, at times even of the most indecent sort.

I should like to know what people fear the most: whatever is contrary to their usual habits, I imagine.

I once saw a convict who had been twenty years in prison and was being released take leave of his fellow prisoners. There were men who remembered his first coming into prison, when he was young, careless, heedless of his crime and his punishment.

He went out a grey-headed, elderly man, with a sad sullen face.

He walked in silence through our six barrack-rooms.

As he entered each room he prayed to the ikons, and then bowing low to his fellow prisoners he asked them not to remember evil against him.


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