Kehidupan Di deasa // Life in the village

in #good-darma5 years ago (edited)

Salam bahagia untuk seluruh pecinta tulisan di #steemit,,

Greetings to all the writers on #steemit,,




Dimana bumi dipijak tentu disitu bumi kita junjung, Ini sebuah pepatah kuno peninggalan tulisan untuk kita semua.

Where the earth is fixed, of course, on earth, we respect it. This is an old saying of legacy for all of us.

Beberapa photo kami abadikan dengan gambaran suasana Yang sangat nyaman kehidupan ditingkat pedesaan / jauh Dari perkotaan.

Some of the photos we capture with a picture of a very comfortable atmosphere of life at the rural level / far from urban.


Thank you for reading
(21) Created by @good-darma Monday Date 10 June 2019 At 16:53 p.m.

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