Ford's personnel policy, the tax system of Peter I, water saving, future leaders and media content

in #golos7 years ago

Henry Ford and his model of personnel management

Few of the businessmen are more famous than Henry Ford. Its unique conveyor belt is a distinctive feature of Ford's automobile company; at one time it was not just a discovery, but a revolution in the production world. Many modern businessmen try to adopt the experience of Ford - the benefit of it is written many books.

However, apart from his instincts, entrepreneurial veins and proactive approach to business, Ford was also famous for having completely changed the idea of ​​what an average employee should do and how much.

Ford always paid to everyone, depending on the output, encouraging the efficiency of employees. We can say that it was Henry who became the founder of the KPI system in business. At its enterprises, queues of those wishing to work there were built - and this despite the fact that everyone knew that Ford would have to plow, day and night performing the same routine work.

Ford did not need innovators among car builders - he was looking for the most efficient and productive workers, and they became the basis of all the now known brand, which, of course, could not help telling the readers the profile Voice-brand community in the person of his permanent author @ a100 .

Saving water, you save electricity and make the air cleaner

The natural resources on our planet are in gold. And we are talking not only about hydrocarbons - the greatest value on Earth is, perhaps, not oil, but fresh water. Yes, the residents of Eurasia, rich in rivers, are unaccustomed to saving water, and the idea that somewhere it may not be enough for someone, visits us very rarely. Nevertheless, this is a fact, as well as the fact that, by carefully spending water, we save not only it, but also electricity, which is expended in colossal amounts for cleaning and distilling water, which means we reduce the level of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere of the planet.

@ marina-nilova, talking about this problem, cites the example of California, which since 2010 because of the drought had problems with fresh water. The state authorities took on the economy of a valuable resource, and the results exceeded expectations, because it was possible not only to reduce water consumption, but also significantly reduce electricity consumption.

Thus, the forced need was transformed first into a profit, and then, after calculating the level of greenhouse gas emissions, also in the overall utility. So - think about it, once again including the tap in the kitchen.

Tax Reforms of Peter the Great

In life there is nothing inevitable, except death and taxes, "Benjamin Franklin used to say. Despite the fact that Peter I lived a little before Franklin, nothing prevented him from implementing this phrase, at least the second part of it. It was Peter the Great who managed to build the first effective taxation system in Russia, the need for which was due to the colossal ambitions of the emperor, including military and infrastructural.

Peter got down to business with the thoroughness inherent in him, with the help of his comrades-in-arms, he achieved impressive results in a short time, abolishing the inefficient "house-building" tax collection system, and creating an institute of zemstvo headmen.

The article @prezza is impressive - both in terms of the volume of information and the thoroughness of the research conducted, and covers many aspects of the tax policy under Petra. Here you also have the prerequisites for creating a fiscal system, and the first tax code, dead souls, and unusual taxes, such as famous fees for a beard, and customs duties. In general, the author reveals many nuances to readers and does it in a pleasant, light style. Thanks for the great stuff!

Skills that will be critical for future work

The future is not far off - the modern present already seems to many a plot of a fantastic film. Progress does not stand still and is not going to slow down - the world around us is constantly developing, creating more and more new opportunities. In a new world, those who can adapt faster and better than others to a changing external environment and turn its costs into their advantages will certainly succeed.

What abilities should an employee have in the near future to compete with thousands of others, like him, for a place in the sun? The answer to this question is trying to give @konstantin, highlighting several potentially important skills that can be useful to future workers - critical and adaptive thinking, the ability to lead others, the desire to show initiative, the ability to quickly analyze the information received, curiosity and imagination. Actually, these skills already characterize typical leaders, so it's hard not to agree with the author.

Media client is always a winner

Since it's a question of the future, one should not forget about the technologies that bring this future closer with ever-increasing speed. Mobile communication, which is relatively recently available only to selected people, is now present in all corners of the planet, initiating the emergence of services and products for its use.

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