Went Golfing yesterday...lol

in #golf6 years ago (edited)


It was miserable. It was in the mid 40s. The course was still brown, it was wet, muddy and the greens were not rolling very well. Not to mention, I'm not good.

I shot a 92 on a 7045 yard course.

I was driving the ball fine; Short as hell and getting no roll, but straight. I hit alot of fairways but was just 200 yards out every hole. Then every iron shot I hit was also short.

I'm not sure if its because I was getting now roll or it was cold or I'm just getting old but it was alot different golf outing than the last time I went out...which was about 3 years ago. I don't even remember the last time I went.

After reviewing my round and thinking about it some more, it got me thinking about a few things.

  1. I'm a different athlete than I used to be. In all aspects of the game, some for the better and some for the worse. For example, I'm in as good of shape as I used to be. I after been as active as I was before kids, I haven't eaten as well, I sit down for most of my day and I don't eat that well. On the flip side, I'm better mentally than I use to be. I see things differently, don't get as frustrated, and am in tune with my body more than before.

  2. I need get back in shape. Kids and work are no excuse for letting me fall behind on myself. I want to get back to hitting the ball as far as I used to and being able to walk 18 without need 3 days rest to recover or feeling tired after 9 holes.

So I'm making a 12 week commitment to get back and shape. I want to improve my health and my golf game. I want to do it for me and to set a good example for my kids.

Will you go through this journey with me?

I'll keep you posted on my progress and what I plan to do to get in shape and start hitting the ball long again :)

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