Things getting silly in the Presidential campaign as Trump challenges Biden to round of golf

in #golfyesterday

This is the strangest election I have experienced in my lifetime. A lot of this has to do with the fact that in earlier elections we didn't have social media and therefore candidates appeared to be more leader-like. Recent elections, in particular the last 3, have been very social media heavy, and therefore have been shit-shows as far as the mudslinging is concerned. When I found out the other day that the Biden team was hiring a team of influencers to try to appeal to the youth vote, I was at first thinking that it was a terrible idea, but honestly, given how stupid the average person seems to be these days, it will probably work on some people.

The back and forth from Trump to Biden has reached a boiling point and if I am not mistaken, the debate that took place a few weeks ago is the first time where the people speaking didn't shake hands with one another before or after the debate. Now we all know how that debate went down and how Biden just absolutely made a fool of himself on stage to the point where try as they may, the media couldn't spin this to make it look good for Biden. Many of the farthest left outlets like CNN and MSNBC had no option but to address the fact that Biden did about as bad as a person possibly can do at one of these things. Of course they tried to focus on how much Trump lied or stretched the truth during the debate, which is something that both men did in a way. Trump made grand claims about his accomplishments that were overstated or just happenstance, and Biden.... well I don't think really anyone knows what he was talking about at all.

You may recall at some point the conversation on stage got off topic and Biden strangely suggested that Trump is not a good golfer and even stated that he would challenge him to a round if he "carried his own bag." It was really stupid that this conversation even happened at all between two Presidential candidates, but it only took a few weeks for Trump to take this to heart and challenged Joe to 18 holes and the loser would have to donate money to a charity of the other's choice.

Trump is not incorrect when he said that such an event would be a ratings powerhouse because yes, everyone would turn in to see that, they could probably sell it on pay-per-view and make more than most actual sport pay-per-view events.


Trump actually is a pretty good golfer though and it was really stupid for Biden to go down that road with him. There are loads of video of the man doing very well on the links and I don't play often, but Donald is much better than I am and he is likely better than most people in his age category.

This doesn't mean that the idea that the two of them play golf is a good thing but then again, that is kind of the DT strategy of being a bit of a bully.

The response that the White House gave to this on social media was just pathetic though and to me, it would have been better if they hadn't responded to it at all.

“We’d challenge Donald Trump to create jobs, but he lost 3 million. We’d challenge Donald Trump to stand up to Putin, but he bent the knee to him. We’d challenge Donald Trump to follow the law, but he breaks it. We’d challenge Donald Trump to not destroy our country but that’s all his Project 2025 aims to do,” the statement continued. “Joe Biden doesn’t have time for Donald Trump’s weird antics — he’s busy leading America and defending the free world. Donald Trump is a liar, a convict and a fraud only out for himself — par for the course.”

Obviously that wasn't written by Biden and it is just so typical and politics sounding. I would have preferred something like "I don't have time for this now, but after I am re-elected I would be glad to provided you aren't in jail." That would have resonated with so many more people than the constant re-iteration of stats and of course the allusion to the conviction in New York getting thrown in there wasn't a surprise, but is a cheap shot.

At this point I kind of look at both of their massive expenditures during this campaign season as a waste of money because honestly, is there really anyone out there that is going to be convinced to change their vote at this point. Is there any information that could come forth that would make anyone flip? I think that the people who are going to vote for Trump will do so no matter what and the people that are voting for Biden aren't really voting for Biden, they are voting for "not Trump."

The fact that Biden wont step aside almost makes me feel like this is all planned and they actually want Trump to win. Politics are so dirty now that I am one of those people that doesn't really believe that our votes are actually counted, but I'll regale you with my "evidence" of that some other day.

In the meantime, enjoy the meaningless Tweets being sent out by both of these guys. I don't know why anyone would bother listening anymore. I would like to watch that golf game though haha

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