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RE: daily report 20181014

@simonjay didnt see that there, sorry ... @goldmanmorgan just checks the replies of the last post every night when i prepare the next one and its basically a set of possible requests so i dont really check the convo here. In my face, ... its like ... phm ... a long story, but yea, for a little hicktown like this they're going pretty bonkers over an election that has (by now) proven (again) nothing changes, which might be for the best b/c it was either that or a shift to extremism ... i'm not much one for politics ... stick around here, you'll find it gets you something, later even more with @tyrnannoght, and i think you're already on @ubasti @sakhmet @maahes too ? THANKS !! ! ! !!!!
(6 months from now its national election lol ... from the looks of it they're gonna be stuck in their own world even after the current results clearly showed them something in a few places where the meter is far to the right side of the spectrum there, dangerlevel, people is getting a bit sick of it, im not much one for deportation but i can understand the present mood ... always more and more taxes, 21% tax on ELECTRICITY and they just keep letting people into the country while there's already no money, thats basically asking for it, handing it over to the far right on a silver platter ... ive been wanting to get out of here since i was 20 , this place has no future, anyway, but ... doesnt matter, i live on steemit now and thats where im gonna stay, even if the whalestreet dumps it down to one dollarcent ... my final stand lol)

thaks for the votes !!! i hope they got you something back

this one will too over time but its completely different and the code behind it is more than two little scripts lol, its about 1200-1300 lines of linux shell script and growing, and i think @tyrnannoght will need about 10 to 20 times that so even if im broke as f*ck one thing i wont be is bored here)
take care (reply on discord with mention or pm or reply @rudyardcatling , a few requests here are functional 'ill make a post on that on tyrnannoght soon on how to use them but as i said i dont check the convos on the distros or here, i was just checking up on the numbers :)

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