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RE: daily report 20190805

hm well, maybe .. just to be complete, it struck me as i was walking with my cat (my nightly outing)

I might be sometimes a bit like a bottle of champagne that just sits there until someone accidentally pops the cork , the shrinks could call it a trigger if they like, and then it comes bubbling out, for better or for worse ... it's cyberspace inhere , Piotr, we are ALL personae , and me, i have many people in my head, i don't even know who i am anymore , i just know i'm not any of those i used to be but all of them are part of me (<-prozaic ? i has it ... )
sometimes ...
As for the rest, i could do it from one account, the program but that would push the mathematics needed for what i want to do beyond reasonable margins really, @goldmanmorgan here, for instance keeps the numbers at 25 digits deep, but the "playcoin" only shows eight, if i had to take vp for special stuff all from votevalues from one account ? then i would need to figure out who's voting to play the game later too, divvy it all up and mesh it all back together again ... some people would claim redundancy on that. It's a lot easier to have separate account for the zones, my system works as is and it will when the game is there (and i dont know when that will be)
on top : i have but one free account , the original @rudyardcatling, and since doing it all from that, its just easier to burn 4 or 5 steem for another one, all of that comes out of my pockets. The bigger chunk of the steem i 'own* up until now is still bought with my money. Creative content tends to be highly undervalued if it doesnt come with the right amount of goodspeak and bla in the righ places combined with handshakes with the right people and i'm just not the guy for that SO

the critics ... (not talking about you, i'll assume you werent criticizing or trying to be funny, as you should know i can handle myself verbally and sometimes shoot and excell in verbal ballistics as well ... in both content and delivery) the critics can put their money where their mouth is or shut their wanker traps (now now ! <- see, that's the lingo that will never get me sold)
because, by all accounts, even if not always smiling and with a face that's not my own, i am very much a supportive, useful and practical unit in the system :D

im sorry if i made your head spin , it seems i have that effect on people sometimes but

i gotta mind my RC, the posts are almost at 20% of the maximum size a steemchain post can handle (64kbyte i think, and a comment can be 16kb in total)

hence and thus and forth, let them forever hold their silence, or show me something that's impressive heeh heeh

whew that made me hungry, see you around @crypto.piotr

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