daily report 20190930steemCreated with Sketch.

The less a writer discusses his work—and himself—the better. The master chef slaughters no chickens in the dining room; the doctor writes prescriptions in Latin; the magician hides his hinges, mirrors, and trapdoors with the utmost care.(Jack Vance)

Goldman Morgan,
the vaultkeeper of Tyrnannoght

  • the collector returns
  • Goldman Morgan takes a cut
  • Goldman Morgan credits to accounts
  • Number of client accounts active : 192
  • Number of npc accounts active : 8
  • Number of zone accounts active : 9

Accounts that are linked on the Tyrnannoght website will have their status set to 'player', meaning it will not be closed after 60 days of inactivity(a measure to prevent clutter from random and occasional passersby-votes), meaning : the account balance will stay as is without the need to vote at least once every 60 days (this is not new its been there since the site but i had the idea i already included that in the daily post, apologies ... any questions find telegram its linked here, i try to check at least once a day even if theres nothing going on yet - leaving a reply here might not trigger a bell unless its one of the commands as stated in the manual, also linked in the daily posts)
post format will be under reconstruction ... as time, chaos and clarity permits ,

the numbers and #stuff are where they are gonna be for a while , barring site-warps ... me i am where ive been stuck for a while but pondering why this.poly[hexclicked] is undefined after finding == != === always in php (again, thats not the first time, datatypes ... let's not mention SQL and json there ...) and not even at mobs actually moving over the hexmap and all the time thinking i should be at ole spiceys shack by now but well, as we have no roadmaps or timelines

people who dont keep an agenda are never late and its a hobbyproject after all. to quote Rudeboy : "gute demos brauchen kein promo" , if it's not good enough then ... o right, its not about good, it's about POPULAR , lol (well id say steemmonsters almost refuted that ... but its hard to say since they didnt start without a massive hype campaign ... but still, without the promise of hoarding crypto it seems to work out for them hmmmmmmm.... i'll never be salesforce though) We'll see what's there when it's there ...

don't stare blind on the bid-bot stats, way not enough samples to give a clear picture and its just something when i have some spare cents from sbd as morgan already had it (at the start when steem was still nearly $3 ...) think id have to adapt the code to reactive that bit automated though ... no priority

the client numbers are here

the rest of the numbers is here

the bot - samples will be here

array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in ... on line 892

it will be there
when it's there

just noticed , but the plan was all along : the policy will be : people who downvoted are barred from using any service or any game until they paid back the damage ... that's only natural .. :) for now it looks like coininstant only so far but i havent done a full scan on the history yet ... i cant stop anyone from doing so ofcourse but if you cost me money you need to pay it back if you ever wanna play ... where i'm from that sounds pretty fair , for that one it seems to total -0.273 (...and 22 more digits steem doesnt have) ... doing business in a warzone lol ... go figure (no wonder your friends wont talk to you anymore :D ) yeayea, stands to reason that accounts with negative balance wont count positive until its cleared back to zero, ill make sure to put that up on the sites in bold type , i think the reasoning is pretty sound : you took my money , i'll take yours until the damage is repaired ... jesus the forgiver doesnt live here . ? funny you should say that, precious, "*if this were bitcoin* ..." , if this were bitcoin that amount would close in on about $2000 or more ... but it's not (luckily ? hmm ... debatable, imagine the manslaughter over that kind of money daily ..)

yea well, ofcourse im not gonna 'retalliate' ... not even with free downvotes

nnnh, even if it shows something i never cared to check i dont consider it helping lol , no sir , i don't ... without too much detail a negative vote will not affect any 'local wallet' balance but the share for everyone that post is less (ofcourse) with a minimum of zero divided by voters when wrecked completely.
As i stated more than several times before i have no intention of having the delusion of making a buck from votes, that's the f2p part and the total and complete testing zone @goldmanmorgan has become and face it :
even at 1000 voters/players that would amount to what ? $2 a day to end up with 10.000s of lines of code and gigabytes of data/assets ... that's seriously underpaid, right ? Besides, anyone who thinks me getting 3 cents a day (at 60actual cents a cent for nearly a year of on and off programming ..) is not new-world-order , too much and not how its done, and elder rules and bla can be an official douchebag ... that stinks, like belgian governments nipping peasants in the bud for trying to rise out of the mud ... gud ...

that's all then for today, tomorrow : just the numbers (down+upvotes amounting to a positive balance means it didnt cost me anything it will show apparently if someone has a "-" dash in front :) now we know that ... yea, the weekly posts, well, people piting ideas without even crediting can sit in the douchebag department too but i dont really care about my "secrets" for all but the fucking code itself because that is NOT opensource or public

  • Goldman Morgan has paid off 35.40% of loans
  • client/player/sponsor/npc/zone accounts are 90.14% secured

- there is room for 0 special deals - authorized commenters yesterday : 1 - valid comments yesterday :0 - last version of text excluding media was at 22.500% of max size for steemchain

Gold is for warriors,
Gold rings for their lady loves;
Paper bills for serfs.

#programming #gamedev #graphics #coding #simulation #game #rpg #token #smarttoken #trade #goldmanmorgan #tyrnannoght #rudyardcatling #goldmanmorgancoin

the manual


v0.2 : the @goldmanmorgan manual

Trying to shorten the post to save rc , so :
The goldmanmorgan how and what , here :

The @goldmanmorgan why , on @tyrnannoght and here :

powered by : @jumbot , @steem-ua , @incinboost


myea myea ... with a bit of luck i win the lottery and maybe decide that even my childhood dream of making a game (right after when i realized the chances of becoming an astronaut or 'inventor' were slim being born a gravelpit-peasant in hellgium) isn't worth not having a life and i leave this place, but until then ...


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63315.23
ETH 2545.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67