in #goldenproject6 years ago

Sitting in April’s living room, Matilda couldn’t help looking around and admiring the place. It wasn’t just the furnishing and #décor of the room that caught her attention, but also the tidiness; everything seemed to be in its place. Comparing it to her own dirty and highly disorganized apartment, she was curious to how a very busy woman like April found time to do housework and care for the children.
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April Bethany, a #born-again Christian, maintained a hectic schedule as a journalist, mother and woman leader in her local church, but somehow managed to juggle them all. Although, Matilda was also a born-again Christian, a career woman and a mother, she always felt stressed out by housework. She could never combine domestic chores with her job. In fact, she was I and out of the hospital most times because of #work-related stress.
”How do you do it?” She suddenly asked April who just walked into the room. ’’ How do you juggle your job with housework, caring for the children and church activities without feeling stressed out’’.
Well, April smiled softly; let me first apologize for keeping you waiting. I’m sorry about that. I was helping Chloe with his home work, she pleaded as she dropped the jug of homemade fruit juice and two glasses she was holding on the centre table, and poured two glasses of the fruit juice, handling a glass to her visitor.
Matilda, how are you and your family doing? It’s been like a week now since I came around. April enquired of her friend’s well-being.
I was a bit under the weather last week; you know all the stress. I have requested for a 2-day leave, just so I can rest because I have been frequenting the hospital lately. The doctors have even advised that I stay away from work for a long while. April, that’s one piece of advice I can’t take. A woman has got to work, you know. But I’m fine now. Thanks for asking anyways. I know you are looking out for my family’s well-being, Maltida replied.
Good to hear! April responded exuberantly. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know exactly what you are talking about, she continued. It wasn’t always like this for me. I had to learn the hard way. After collapsing in the laundry and was bedridden for a week, I didn’t need anyone to tell me to reorganize and balance my life. The woman’s body is delicately balanced, and even the subtle imbalances can impact the quality of her daily life and impair her health. As women, especially working mothers, we often allow the pressure of our job; housework and care of the children to overwhelm us that we forget to take care of our health. Yes, these duties need to be performed, and none should be neglected. But our health comes first.


So how did I balance my life? First, I prioritize my daily tasks. With that, I didn’t have to stretch myself beyond the limit. Every woman needs to know what her body can take so that she doesn’t over work herself.
Second, I have support. My husband assists with the housework and care of the children when he’s around.
Third, I take plenty of rest, especially on weekends because my husband is usually on hand to help with the cleaning, laundry and care of the children. I only do the cooking sometimes.

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Moreover, I eat nutritious food, not junks; I exercise because regular exercise makes you lose weight and keeps you physically fit and strong; and finally, I socialize by hanging out with friends in a Bible club penultimate Saturday of every month. Socializing with like-minded friends keeps your mind off issues that bother you and frees you of emotional stress.
That’s it. You wanted to know how I juggle my many responsibilities and cope with stress? Those are the secrets. I think you should try them too because they work. Mat, you need a rest! Heed the doctor’s advice, and stay away from work probably for a month.

Take a vacation

Health is wealth



Good advice, and something we should all remember in our busy-busy world!


Balance is one important need in human life, a lot loss that focus and I am gland you brought it up on steemit for we to remember. Thanks a lot @pearlkel

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