Golden Hour: epic sunset over the Statue of Liberty

in #goldenhourphotography7 years ago (edited)

The #goldenhourphotography contest organized by @juliank and @photocontests is one my favorite photo contests here on Steemit and I am always happy to participate in it.

My today´s entry is definitely one of the most captivating sunset shots I have ever taken but unfortunately, I had a very bad camera back then in summer 2010 when the photo was created so the quality of the image is a far cry from what I wish it was.

Click on the image for full view

Anyway, here is some background info. I was on my work-and-travel program that summer, working as a maintenance guy at a golf and tennis camp in Maine. After the working part of the program finished, I could enjoy a whole month of traveling and New York was one of the first cities I visited.

I think it was just a coincidence that my ferry trip from Manhattan to the Staten Island took place right before the sunset so we were privileged to witness this spectacular scene with the sun setting right above the Statue of Liberty, creating this amazing golden aura around the statue´s head.

It felt like the extraordinary natural setting only added to the magnificence and symbolism of the iconic U.S. landmark. Easily one of the highlights of my NYC adventure and a night to remember.

Czech: Myslím, že moje dnešní fotka asi nepotřebuje žádný obšírný komentář. Sochu Svobody jste určitě poznali, takže jen dodám, že fotka byla pořízena z lodi plující z Manhattanu na Staten Island (jedna z pěti čtvrtí / městských obvodů New Yorku). Tenkrát jsem měl naprosto příšerný foťák blíže nespecifikované značky (a velikosti klasické pálené cihly), takže výsledné foto je nevalné kvality, což mě celkem mrzí, protože to mohla být opravdu hodně zajímavá momentka. No nic, tak třeba někdy příště. Hezký zbytek víkendu všem českým a slovenským Steemařkám a Steemařům :)

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about #nature, #animals, #traveling and discovering secrets and beauties of the #world, make sure to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to upvote and resteem :) I don’t always follow back but I upvote original and interesting comments on my posts. Have a wonderful day and Steem on!


Na rozdíl ode mě umíš fotit... Prosím Tě. Podívej se na tohle, jestli je to opravdu Tvůj plagiátor
Jestli to je tak, jak si myslím, tak je to neuvěřitelné, co si někdo dovolí...

Díky za upozornění, je to tak, jak si myslíš. Takže si konečně můžu vyzkoušet vlaječkování :) I když ten chudák už by tu asi stejně neměl šanci... reputace 4 a spousta komentů od geparda mluví za vše.

La imagen refleja con gloriosa luz el ejemplo de la magnifica bendición de la libertad. Hermosa foto con tan oportuna puesta de sol sobre la estatua. Exitos @phortun.

Gracias Rosibel :)

Awesome timing! Perhaps one day you can time out and retake the same shot. I've got a few photos myself I'd love to retake with my A7.

Haha, sounds right! :)) I visited way too many cool places with way too bad equipment in the past :D

Cihla, necihla, hlavně že to vzala ;-). To slunce místo pochodně je úžasné;-)

Díky, přesně na ten moment jsem číhal - v té pozici to bylo jen pár vteřin :)

Už jsem ti to jednou psal. Máš cit pro záběr ;-). A vůbec nezáleží na tom, co držíš v ruce.

Přeji úspěch v soutěži :-)

Díky! :)

A beautiful golden photo, @phortun. I also shared it!

Cool pic! When I was in New York I also took the ferry over to the Staten Island! :)

Thanks man :) Yeah, the ferry ride was fun... and as far as I remember, it even was free, wasn´t? :)

Yes I think it was free! :)

Yeah, that really is the perfect shot, sun and statue exactly where they should be. I think we all have those photos where we wish we had a better camera, but at least you can still say you took this one! It really is wonderful.

Thanks Matt. You are right, I should be glad to have something to remember that magical ferry ride at all...

This is OT: I have noticed, you just paid an upvote bot for a vote on this article. Until a week ago, I used to buy upvotes myself, but I quit doing it. Here, I wrote an explanation why. Maybe it is interesting for you. Thanks!

Thanks, will definitely read that post!

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