1 Peter 1:24-25 NIV For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever And this is the word that was preached to you.

Verse 24 of this passage reminds me of so many things, if we will all wither away like grass some day then why do people struggle for fame, kill to get to the top, struggle for titles etc.
Some people won't even stand up when they are being called upon in a church gathering or function if their correct titles are not given to them.

You see most of this people are ignorant of this passage of the Bible or maybe some knows but is still adamant, taking wealth, fame, achievement as their all in all, forgetting that when we leave this world we are leaving with nothing.
David says naked he came into the world, naked he will return.

Beloved let's be conscious of this fact that 100 to 200 years from now most of us if not all will be six feet below. So needless fighting for fame.
All will vanish in the twinkle of an eye.
All this is Vanity upon Vanity.

Verse 25 gives me hope that despite all this things, fame, riches wealth etc that the word of God still stands sure, the word that is preached to us day in day out.

May God help us to take life easy not killing ourselves for nothing, because all this things are Vanity upon Vanity.
Our Paramount aim or focus in life should be how to please our Father in heaven in other for us to make it to the glorious home, Heaven. Amen.

Happy Tuesday all.
Thanks for stopping on my blog.

I remain


Love you all😘😘😘

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