
Greetings, beautiful community of @steemchurch, greetings to @maxdevalue for this challenge # 26, today when observing the word of God I will focus on what my home is valued, the family is valued, just what God gives us.

Family is the greatest value, a gift that God has given us. A person must create a family once in a lifetime and appreciate it as the one-eyed girl. What God combined, do not allow man to separate you (Matthew 19: 6).

When God created man, he said: "It is not good to be a man alone (Genesis 2:18). God made the first man a wife. Then, at the dawn of human history, a special vital union was established: family, and God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and possessed (Genesis 1.28).

As the apostle Paul writes: the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church, and He is the Savior of the body. (Emphasized by us. - Auth.) And also: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and betrayed herself for her (Ephesians 5:25). The husband in a Christian marriage is the image of Christ, the wife is the Church. In the sacrament of marriage, the spouses receive the grace of God to build their marriage union in one mind and love, be one soul and body, as well as for the birth and Christian education of the children.

In the family, as in the small Church, people also gathered to love and save each other. We know that one in the field is not a warrior; Traveling is always easier if there are good travel companions. The case is debated when several friends of its members do so. The Christian is given two main commandments: about the love of God and about the love of people. For a family man, these commandments must first be fulfilled in the family.

The family is not only the image of the Church, but also the image of the parish community, where the husband, the father is the priest of the small Church, the wife, the mother is his assistant, and their children are flocks, parishioners of this church. I am a herd of my family and I trust in the wisdom of the word of God to give my family courage every day.

Thank God for every day of life you give me.



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