THE LOVE OF MONEY Today's Message from My Goldencenserchallenge #27

1 Timothy 6:10

10.For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Money is not in itself bad, in short the Bible says money answereth all things but what makes it bad the love of it.

The love of money has made husbands use their wives for money rituals.
The love of money has made wives live their husbands to other men.
The love of money has caused many heart breaks.

The love of money has made many miss their footings in God.
The love of money has made pastors go extra miles thereby offending God.

The love of money and fame has made music ministers deviate to something else.
The love of money has made politicians kill just to be on that seat either as a councillor, chairman, governor, president etc.

The love of has caused many to say all sort of things against money.
The bible says it is the root of all evil.

Mention one sin or evil committed on the face of this earth that is not caused by the love of having so much money.
If you love your business more than the things of God, then beware that is the love of money springing up slowly.
If you cannot close your business to attend bible studies then be warned you are drifting away slowly.

If you can't go to church simply because you do not have offering or you do not have nice clothes to wear, beware Satan is creeping in slowly.

Beloved beware, beware and beware.
Let not money take God place in your life.

All thank to sir @maxdevalue for this challenge.
Its has really been helping.
God bless you.

I am


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This blog is edifying and we appreciate you putting in so much value and quality. money was to be used and nit to be loved.

Thank you for participating in Goldencenser Challenge #27

Thanks @sc-n

It is certainly so, that is why we must know the correct value of money aand use it to bless. Excellent post.

Thanks for stopping by.

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