My entry to goldencenserdailychallenge #23 CONTROL THAT ANGER OF YOURS- Today message From Goldencenserchallenge.

in #goldencenserchallenge5 years ago (edited)

Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV

In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold.

At first it looks harmless, but if not well controlled it can kill, set fire in the house and do other harmful things.
You are free to get angry but where you allow the son go down on your anger then that means you have sinned against God and if the trumpet sounds by that time you won't forgive yourself of what will happen to you because hell fire will be waiting to receive you.

If someone makes you angry approach the person talk it out with the person do not keep it at heart, if death should come knocking,
You won't have an excuse to tell God that it was the other person that was at fault, you will end in Hell fire.

Anger breeds hatred so be extremely careful least you fall a victim of it.

Well read this, it is my true life story.

You know some years ago a teenage girl insulted me and I was extremely angry beyond what I could think of.
I vowed never to talk to her.
Luckily for me it was the month of August and God wanted helping me, the theme of the month was tagged "Visitation " and i was to share a message on it, so while waiting on God for several days and hours yet no message. I slept off on Sunday morning and had a dream of how I missed out from heaven because of gossiping.
When I woke up i was so scared and I heared God ask me if i decide to visit my people via rapture will you be ready? I woke up and was so tensed and that was the message I had to go share that God is coming soon.
I stood at the pulpit to announce that i forgave the young teenage girl and i decided to move on with my life.

But you know surprisingly I never really forgave that girl even while standing on the pulpit to announce it.
How I knew this was that I kept showing my bitterness by telling everyone I came across that the girl insulted me, but one day the holy spirit confronted me and I discovered that so many Christians are victims of this we say and profess that we have forgiven some one who hurts us so badly but yet go round announcing to the world what the person actually did to them, showing anger and bitterness in your voice and actions.

You don't even greet, call or text the person at all ye we claim we are no more angry or that we have forgiven the person, my brother and sister whom are you deceiving?
That is what the devil uses in deceiving us.

Stop my beloved it is not so, learn to control your anger and forgive.

One would wonder why I talk about Unforgiveness instead of anger which is my key topic, the reason is this the two cannot be separateted from each other anger and unforgiveness.
You cannot forgive someone whom you do not love, or someone whom you are quarreling with.

So you see that anger beggats unforgiveness.

I remain


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Beautiful true story on forgiveness, thanks for sharing this healing.

Yes sir.
Thanks for stopping by.

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