Colossians 3:15

15.Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Let the peace of God keep you in tune with each other.
If the peace of God is missing in your lives then you cant be in peace with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Have you seen how the eyes cooperates with the nose, teeth, tongue, legs, hands in short all the parts of them body cooperates, that is how God wants us to be, and that can only be made possible if we are at peace with each other, and the peace with each other is made possible by the peace of God in our heart.

Beloved brothers and sisters let's the peace of God that passes all understanding reign in our heart in other for it to enable us relate well with our fold.
I pray God helps us. Amen.


Thanks to @maxdevalue for the weekly update on the goldencenserchallenge, I pray God bless you.

I remain


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