Dow down another 135 this morning...GOLD UP 14.00. SEE these charts and understand what took place.

in #gold6 years ago

There used to be an old saying whether the market was in a bull market or bear market...."it's all in the interest rates".
Well there is more to the scenario of this 1500 point decline since we called a top 6 days back at 26,996! (We have been out personally a few weeks prior). Significantly higher interest rates and the trade war with China took its toll. But hey! We've declined 5 % albeit quickly and 3.3 yesterday. hardly the stuff of a bear market!


The chart above is not stock market friendly.....nor often gold friendly. We will experience a slow down in home building.

KWN bond long hedgers..jpg

The large commercials invariably on the "right" side of the market are long (huge) the 10 year treasury. They are SHORT the dollar. Gold and silver (up nicely today) will be going much higher over the next several years.

As for the DOW JONES...I was surprised by yesterday's selloff and even wrote sentiment looked quite good in relation to an already 700 point decline over a few days. Well TODAY sentiment is almost where it was at the April bottom (we had called as well). I AM NOT buying this market nor recommending it. I still feel a surprising move up is "in the cards" especially since Mr. Trump will do all he can so things look "OK" election time. Valuations are too high and this is one inflated pumped up fake market. The FED's tightening is about over...all bullish for the metals.

I will post later today on BTC having also sold off about 400 sudden points.

Thank you for the support....and please do your own 'due diligence'


Gold right on the cusp, risk to the upside but needs to confirm. I had a look at it again today

exactly! thanks..will visit..

Another interesting report. Thanks Statman!

thank you "TP" the "fun" has just begun.

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