Long term Gold!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gold7 years ago


As most you you probably know last year saw the possible break out in the gold market seeing gold break through its multi year downtrend.

All looks good so far with the price holding above the trend line for the last 8 months or so.

In the long term I believe we have seen a bottom in the gold price and from here we will see higher prices going forward over the next few years.

With the state of the economy at the minute and the ever looming recession/ crash we can only assume is on the horizon. This can only be good for the metals.

I hope you enjoy this post. Please leave comments on your thoughts on the gold price.

I'm hoping to do more gold and silver analysis on a weekly maybe daily basis if you would like this please comment below.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Crypto and Metals forever! :)



io penso che in queste settimane ci sarà una tendenza ribassista per $gold e $oil.
il $gold e stato spinto rialzista dallo #shutdown usa

Nice post! I will follow you from now on.

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