
in #gold6 years ago (edited)


What is it about gold?

There may be things on this planet that are more valuable per ounce than gold, but there are very few things more sought after. If there is gold in a place, it is being mined. It is beautiful even in its raw state. Scratch it and it shines. It is so soft you can bite it and leave a tooth mark, which means you don't have to melt it to shape it into something artistic or wearable or both.


And mankind has done exactly that for as long as we can remember. No, longer. Uncovering an ancient village always holds the possibility of finding gold. For as long as mankind has been able to collect it, they have. Every culture around the world has made gold the standard of value. China valued silk almost as highly when they were the only ones who knew its secret, but they still valued gold.


Religions around the world

have also seen gold as the ultimate tribute to whatever God they chose to worship. There are many conspiracy theories involving gold. It is said that if you want to know who has the power, follow the gold. Even though the US has been off the gold standard for decades, it still holds a sizeable amount of it, not only in Ft. Knox. There are vaults of it around the country. Of course, some conspiracy theorists maintain that Ft. Knox has no gold anymore.


Back to the original question,

What is it about gold? Why does everyone, or almost everyone, seem to want it so badly? It's almost like it's written into our DNA. There have been many stories about gold fever in Colorado and Alaska and California. You probably haven't heard of the earlier one in Georgia. Why do people go crazy over bits of yellow metal? Is it possible that the desire is in our DNA? What if some of our ancestors were altered?


Some very intelligent people

believe that mankind's DNA was altered many thousands of years ago by aliens or god or...? What if there were aliens who wanted to mine the gold from this planet and doctored the dna of the most intelligent species to give them the desire to find and protect gold. They wouldn't need all the humans. They would only need a percentage. Some scientists claim that certain blood types contain alien DNA. What if they mined the lion's share and left? What if?


I have worked with gold

since my teenager years. I was a Dental Technician for 45 years, making gold teeth. I have to tell you from the first time I worked with it, I have loved it. I collected it. Even back when it was illegal for citizens to own certain kinds of gold, I did. I had access to 22 karat gold back then. I have always been drawn to it. And I know other people who are the same way. Look at any wealthy person. Most of them will have everything they can made out of gold. Why? Do you really think it's to impress people? I think they want their true wealth near them and fully accessible.

Now keep in mind

I'm the crazy lady. I think it's entirely possible that millenia ago there was a different mankind on this planet. A far more advanced version of us. What happened? Maybe a comet hit. Or maybe they blew themsleves up. Or maybe the poles shifted and wiped out almost all life. Almost. But enough DNA remained to start again and we did. Don't you think that's possible? Especially with a little help from aliens.

Yes, I write fiction, but... what if?...


all pics for this post are sourced from pixabay.


I've never like gold all that much. I find silver more attractive. :). The theories about aliens or different humans being on Earth years ago is an interesting theory. My husband believes the conspiracy theories that there were once aliens who interacted with our ancient ancestors. If only we had a time machine to go back and see!

I love exploring the idea.

Well imo, it just shines. haha. The reason for its use as a currency is relative scarcity. It has no real value in terms of creating anything except jewelry.. Well its used nowadays in the tech industry, but that wouldnt explain why it has been accepted as it did in the past.
Id say, humans love it, because they learned to love it because its connected to the idea of wealth.
Imo, its a pretty useless commodity. Aluminium is a metal as well, with magnitudes more uses and its worthless compared to gold.
Its one of those "historically trendy" things we adopted. And the scarcity ofc. I guess diamons and other precious/semi precious stones have value in the same way as gold while being pretty worthless themselves. :D

The more we learn about energy and precious stones the more I think we will value them. I have a crystal cluster that will shut down a headache in 5 minutes flat. How much would you value that when you have a headache? I still there is something mystical about gold or that some of us are engineered to feel this way.

Well youre going more into spiritual realm. Im not someone that believes in those things so i was talking more about from a purely economic stand point. To each his own. 😁

There's actually some science behind it, but I understand and agree. To each his own. Besides, everyone knows that I'm a touch crazy! lol

I've toyed with that idea of aliens or another entity that changed the DNA of mankind and altered it to whatever purpose they had in mind.

Just look at homo erectus and and homo sapians and although science is explaining that evolution was at work there and was a fork but what if there was more to it.

Now whenever I hear gold what pops in my mind was the colonizing mindset of the Spaniards before "Guns, Gold, God" These were what they used to as motivation and tactic when colonizing the "Infidels"

Gold is hard to resist. It doesn't just shine or sparkle it glows from within. I definitely think evolution had some help.

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