I'm long gold again!

in #gold7 years ago (edited)

Truth be told, I've been long gold for a long time, but I've only just begun accumulating again over the past few weeks.


What convinced me to begin stacking in earnest again was this headline: Hedge Funds Abandon Gold to Chase Bitcoin.

I figured that if I got in on bitcoin at $3 and they're getting in at $20,000, then I must be the smart money at this poker table. Definitely a contrarian indicator anyway.

This time around I'm also long a few miners (both gold and silver) and some mining ETFs.

I would say 'wish me luck,' but gold has been money for 5,000 years so it's got a great track record . . .

And, for those who have never seen this before, this is me and Max with a special 'BUY GOLD' fake ad we made in Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris way way back in 2006 when it was a few hundred bucks per ounce. Check out my dancing! LOL.

[Signed, Stacy]


The Real Keiserreport? :)
I'm also in gold since the last big crash. Yamana Gold. But to be honest, my cannabis shares was the real deal till now.

Canopy has been going through the roof

For sure

I got burnt so bad in precious metals because of my limited knowledge of the derivatives market and my miss use of leverage lack of proper portfolio management. I've got a sour taste in my mouth with it. But it will never go to zero. I say 5-10% of net worth tops to metals and never more. Hold for super long-term and get ready for frustration if you're trying to "cash in." It's truly a hedge against catastrophe. But I do love looking at gold coins and bars! Nothing like it!! I'll still own it, just not for the purpose of making money. I do agree the miners are the way to profit on gold, not owning gold itself. My 2 cents. :-)

Yep. Miners are still down over 50+% from their 2011 highs. Think they'll double or triple from here over the next two or three years. Not as spectacular as some of the cryptos these days but then I'm just trying to balance my portfolio. I've never used derivatives market though . . . couldn't see myself using leverage, but I can see the allure.

Got it. Balancing the portfolio by allocating to miners is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

I e. Even getting into gold over the last six months for the first time. How was it frustrating to cash in? I’d like to know what I’m up against. Thanks in advance.

Frustrating in the sense that the derivatives market (controlled by the banks) will not let metals perform to their fundamental potential. That's all. But I do believe in a balanced portfolio which can and should contain 5-10% allocation to metals. Make money in business and allocate your cash flow to a balanced portfolio and monitor your asset allocation percentegaes to determine when to take profits through rebalancing. Hope this is clear! :-)

Seems like a good move, i'd do the same if in your shoes

Every time you read the word "money" in the BIBLE, it is really the hebrew word for silver.

Still today, in some spanish-speaking countries money is referred to as "plata", (silver).
For instance, when we owe somebody some money, we usually say: "no tengo plata", (I have no money); just like Argentina's government did back in 2001 when they declared they couldn't pay their debt.

No me gusta, me encanta!

u did the right thing good times are here

Totally agree with you. Gold and silver are real money.

You got a #FuckShitStack goin on. Don't forget that Silver. LTD. #Hemp #Sustainable #4CoolLife

Bought btc at $90 bc of you! Guess ill stick with what works and keep following your recommendations!

Aaah. I could be making a bad bet here! I'll let you know in a pile of tears if it doesn't work out. Just do your own research. And definitely do not expect crypto like returns in gold! The miners are more crypto like volatile both up and down. Again . . . do your own research. :D

Hey Stacey good post again. Been getting more bullish on Metals as well. In November I went to a Gold and Silver mining Conference in San Francisco and everyone was talking about Crypto, it was kind of annoying even though I have been buying Crypto for years. I think its a smart move to look more into resources. With that said it would be cool if you looked into getting either Rick Rule or Marin Katusa on the Keiser Report. With all the amazing guests you have surprised those two have never shown up.

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