in #gold6 years ago (edited)

Many experts and analysts believe the value of silver will be going significantly higher in the future. Or, to put it another way, many people believe the value of the US Dollar will decrease, and therefore it will take more dollars to buy the same things, including (and especially) gold and silver.

The global economy is likely in a very precarious situation at this time. If you are aware of the potential for things like, economic collapse, inflation, hyper-inflation, quantitative easing (the printing of money without backing by gold or silver), never ending borrowing, the unsustainable national debt, "de-dollarization" by other countries, loss of the petrodollar, possible loss of the world reserve status of the US Dollar, the over-inflated real estate and stock markets, the derivatives market, record levels of credit card, auto loan and student debt, then maybe you'd be at least a little bit worried.

It's nearly impossible to predict what exactly will happen in the near future, but if the stock market starts to crash, if the value of the dollar drops, if confidence in the current monetary system declines - the value of paper currency could significantly decrease, or collapse.

In an economic collapse, gold and silver will likely retain their buying power. It could take a lot more dollars to buy the same 1 ounce of gold or silver. While you can currently get 1 ounce of silver, today, for about $17, that same ounce could cost $50 to $100, or more, if we should experience a currency or related economic crisis.

Most people who are long-time and long-term buyers (often called stackers), buy silver and gold - not to make money, but to protect wealth. Over time, gold and silver have retained their value in buying power, while the value of the dollar has lost much of it's value since the early 1900s.

Once such a crisis begins, it could be too late to buy gold or silver at the current prices. If the current number of buyers doubles, triples or quadruples - good luck in finding a dealer or coin shop to fill your orders. A significant increase in demand could wipe out available supply.

In the past several years, since the "2008 Economic Crisis," there have been many articles about a possible global currency reset, a new standard to replace the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, a new global currency, a devaluation of currencies, capital controls, which could place restriction on your money in the bank, and more. Chances are, should any major restructuring or reset take place, you'll be given very little notice and time to prepare. When the next financial crisis hits, your time to prepare will have probably run out.

In 1964, and earlier, we (in the United States) used quarters, dimes and half dollar coins made of 90% silver.

After 1964, the silver (which was the "real" value) from those coins have been removed and replaced with crap. Or more specifically, more common, much-lower valued metals - copper and nickel.

Today, according to, the metal (melt) value of a newly-minted quarter is a little more than 4 cents. A 1965 to 2018 dime is worth a little under 2 cents in its metal content, and a new 2018 half dollar is "worth" about 8 and a half cents in metal content.

1965 to 2018 Dime:

1965 to 2018 Quarter:

Current Half Dollar:

You can see the 1964 and earlier dated silver coin values here:

For a beginner who may be interested in buying some silver, "junk silver" might be a good start. Junk silver is just a term for circulated US silver coins dated 1964 and earlier that have no significant collector value. I've explained junk silver in a previous post at:

I also like the following video, which does a good job explaining it...

Currently the price of gold to silver is about 1 ounce of gold to 80 ounces of silver.
I show the gold-to-silver ratio, here:

I also like the charts on:

And, as mentioned above,


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