GOLD: Expect the Unexpected - Rate Hike Imminent, Expect new Highs in April for Gold

in #gold7 years ago

Rate Hike Imminent! - Get Ready for a New 52-Week High for Gold in April

The February jobs numbers released on Friday were stunning, to say the least.

An estimated 313,000 jobs were created, and the consensus before the release was about 205,000.

The two previous months were also revised higher.

Numbers like these will force the FED’s hand. They will have to raise interest rates during the next FOMC meeting on March 21st.

Gold fell after the normal knee-jerk reaction from the market due to the jobs numbers and quickly turned around and closed the day in the green after the market realized

interest rate hikes are imminent now.

Rate hikes = higher gold priced in dollars.

Do you remember when quantitative easing (QE) began and everyone thought gold would go to $5,000 per ounce, but it tanked instead and fell from $1,910 to $1,045 during QE 2, 3, and Operation Twist?

Well, the same thing is happening right now with rate hikes. Gold investors are depressed and fearful that rate hikes will crush gold to $900 or lower.

But it’s just like the expectations for QE, the opposite is about to happen.

During the 1930s, 1970s, early 2000s, and in the current rate hike environment that started in December of 2015, gold has moved up.

In fact, gold literally bottomed with the first rate hike of this cycle, and from rate hike to rate hike, gold is making higher highs! believes that within two weeks of the March 21st rate hike, gold will be making a new 52-week high!

Everyone hates gold right now. They feel horrible about it, and many are ready to puke when they look at the mining shares… All I have to say is to expect the unexpected!

Gold is about to have a rip-roaring rally here thanks to rate hikes.

I did two recent interviews as a guest this past week.

These are perfect for your Sunday morning pleasure, so please listen and share.

Dan Dicks Interview With Daniel Ameduri
Trade Wars Looming: How Will Trump’s Moves Play?

Phillip Kennedy Interview With Daniel Ameduri
Bitcoin, gold, stocks, and the economy.

Written by Daniel Ameduri for 2108-03-11


If you add the fact that the stimulus from the tax reform is just getting started, inflation will start to perk up soon enough. Probably the continued wage growth pressure will come to light and spook the market. That will most likely be the catalyst to higher prices.

Buy when the sheep are running from it. That's my investing philosophy.

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