UPDATE GOLD BIG PURCHASE -- 250 Tons of Gold to be purchased - Andrew Maguire --- GOLD Backed Crypto Currency

in #gold7 years ago

source: http://lonestarwhitehouse.blogspot.com/2017/07/cryptocurrency-followup-imf-paper-backs.html

We have heard Andrew Maguire before about a massive purchase occurring @ July 5th. TODAY he comes back (listen to the audio interview at the link above) where he specifically says the purchase by Sovereigns (countries) was delayed slightly ...but 100% on track.

There is not 250 tons easily available in physical gold and you should see "price adjustment". 

"Central Bank Sovreign sized entities that are about to turn GOLD into a blockchain currency..."

We shall see....I am listening to this interview live (after the flash crash yesterday-- he talks of about it)


We eat gold for lunch


my goodness.... I guess you do....starting young...this is so nice to see :-)

Love it for it seems only the next step to the future. As this takes hold then manipulation would be more difficult. This means precious metals will only rise from here to find true market price.

well....you know as much as I know at this point if you listen to the interview....time will tell.

Wow, that is a lot of gold, especially for a physical purchase.

this is what he said..listen to the interview linked in the post..he said you cannot get 250 tons physical..."this is the buy" ....and "this absolutely the time you want to HOLD physical" ...the paper market will not last another year

The moment all stackers have been waiting for. I've been so frustrated spending fifteen years in a career only to dump it all on gold and a paid off home. Be nice to see tide turn!

he seems to be very credible and the last few days of the banks maybe getting out of "shorts"...?

Very interesting. McGuire has called on gold to rise heavily in the past so I'm not buying this 100%. However, the Sharia compliant blockchain does have the potential to explode physical gold purchases. If people buy the gold backed crypto then there is really no limit as to how fast the crypto could rise which means a certain amount of gold has to be purchased. Seems like a gold backed crypto could be the central banks worst nightmare, but just speculating, I have limited understanding of what could happen.

I think we are all very curious ....i didn't know which crypto he was referring to.

Interesting will listen to it.
What is baffling me is, more I hear about demand for example, silver inventories are very low, lower goes prices. Just doesn't make no sense...

It's manipulated so not much makes sense to us....listen to the view...see how he talks about the price of "paper trading" vs the physical and how the physical price is higher....if he is correct maybe they are using this to get out of their shorts and go long...????

This is also Jim Rickards opinion, well one of them, he is bullish also:


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