This Might be That Moment for Gold and Silver Bullion

in #gold4 years ago

We've been burned by false hope in the silver and gold market for many years now. It's hard to be positive. Not many people are talking about precious metals, but the chart is creeping upward and looks bullish on multiple time frames. Trillions are being printed from thin air, with no end in sight, and fear about the economy is huge. All the conditions are right - there could be a precious metals breakout coming, and these prices might become a distant memory once that happens. It feels a LOT like 2009, and as somebody who was paying attention back then, I feel I have to speak up.

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I've been right about gold and silver

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Massive gold price rigging conspiracy finally exposed and admitted

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Great video @drutter,
It seems you are very passionate about precious metals and have a great deal of experience tracking the market over the years. It's a bummer about what's happening on YouTube, but the fact that you keep blogging/vlogging about the topics you're passionate about regardless, speaks volumes about your character :)

It's very tempting to spend a little crypto to get some silver, and it's likely I will. I can't afford to buy any with fiat currency, but I also think it would be kind of cool to buy a little with crypto and potentially earn that crypto back with blogging about it :P

Thanks man!
It would be interesting to convert some crypto into silver bullion, for the experience, and it's also pretty cool conceptually (they are the same in some ways, but completely opposite in others). And it would be interesting to see which sees a greater percentage increase in value over the next couple years.
Have a great weekend!

I was going to mention that actually (interesting to see which sees a greater percentage increase in value) but was a little tired and didn't want to make the comment too long.
What holds me back a bit is my belief that crypto will see HUGE moon, and I'll regret trading assets later on. (Probably irrational thinking, but I really believe the economy is going to incorporate use of crypto assets as a consumer medium of exchange soon.)

Have a great weekend as well buddy :)

I think that if crypto continues to do what it has been doing, yes, there will be big leaps upward. Silver's big move up (more of an overnight revaluation most likely) will happen only once, and we don't know when that is. Until then, it might do poorly (suppressed to keep fiat looking good), or just hold value over time. It kind of depends on the deep state and what happens with the world, and while you and I kinda know what's coming, we don't know the details. So having a bit of each might be really smart, and feel safer than only having bars, or only having decentralized 0s and 1s.

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