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RE: Important Event In Precious Metals, King World News Audio Tampered With About Predicted Price Explosion in 26 Days

in #gold7 years ago

This is not new news - it's old news. It's been very well known that China is going to start calling on their physical gold from the U.S. - there are 2 HUGE contracts that have been out there for a while now.

A new gold futures contract is being introduced by the Hong Kong Futures Exchange (two contracts actually). The two contracts will be physically settled $US and CNH (offshore renminbi) gold futures contracts. The key to this contract is that it requires physical settlement of the underlying gold, which is a 1 kilo gold bar.


Old news would be that the Shanghai exchange was supposed to impact all of this months ago, which has not happened yet. This news bears watching because he has not stated who would be the buyers as of yet, and nobody has tied such an event to the date of JUly 5 which is what the 26 day predictive math makes this out to be.

Idiots, doomsellers, and doomsayers like to set dates all of the time. There's a whole bunch of supposed "prophets" out there who have been calling for a massive economic collapse for the last 35 years. And, every so often, there's a bubble that pops - then they stand on their soapboxes and shout out, "SEE, I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT!!!"

Well, a broken clock is also right - twice a day. Everyone knows the current economic system is in jeopardy. It's based on FIAT currency, and at some point it's going to fail and reset all asset classes back to their proper values. For the last several years, many people have set dates as to when this is supposed to happen. I HEREBY PREDICT: one of these date-setters is bound to get it right, eventually. Does that make me a frickin' genius? Or, isn't it just common sense? How is common sense all of a sudden news?!?!

Here you go - try this one: I PREDICT, there is going to be a massive, cataclysmic earthquake coming soon to a town near you!!! And, when it happens - as it very likely will - does that make my "prediction" an accurate one? Or, is it just common sense?

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