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RE: Despite the garbage and verbal diarrhoea by the Mainstream Narrative that The Economy is fine, this is what is really happening. We are here..!!

in #gold7 years ago

Gold is not undervalued, gold is controlled by the suppliers as it is in the Hands of the Rothschilds who moved the Global Gold to China. These predators expect to pull the plug on the Fiat and offer the gold (aka currencies) that they stole and hoarded for over 100 years at 4000% profits selling for 10k a zone as a global currency. We cannot eat gold, invest in Tools, as they will appreciate in value as Fine Art does while their utilitarian value makes anything else look like Monopoly Money, and seeds/plants/shrubs/trees as they will produce perpetually, and none of these are in the hands of anyone that can Hoard/Hedge/Wager and effectively undermine any and all "commodities", and should the plug get pulled your Neighbors would either be your Best Friends, or your Worst Enemies, so there is plenty to be said for those Investments as well!

Everything else is a Gamble, people will give you ounces and ounces of gold for a bottle of medicine, for a few drops of tincture, for soap, for seeds, or a bit of gas... and if you have enough to share with your neighbors and others then you are successfully investing is something so resilient that no matter what the Global Turd Floaters drift into they couldn't disturb your community!

Blockchain FTW, but if you invest in things you cannot eat you're only inviting the middle man to matters of if you will eat or not!

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