Gold and Silver to get decoupled from price fixing soon - moonshot coming!

in #gold7 years ago

How long can the silver and gold manipulation go on? Not long, in my opinion.

If people wake up and realize that sooner or later they or their children or their grandchildren will need to start paying the trillions of dollars of debt that has been created, then the game could be over immediately. Why do I say that? Simple, start paying off your debt and take your savings out of the banks and put it in a place where it can't be taken away from you via the process of fractional reserve banking and further debt creation. Also, remember the bail-in of Cypress where all the depositors got a haircut. If you think, it can't happen to you, let me awaken you by reminding you that the law to this effect has already been passed to a country close to home - Canada. It has already been in effect in Europe since January 1, 2016. It is now coming to the bank near your home.

People are already waking up to this fact and are responding to this by rushing to cryptocurrencies. How else can one explain the exponential rise in valuation for these currencies if not the loss of faith in the financial system?

More interestingly, countries such as China and India are already ahead in this game and are hoarding huge amounts of gold and silver and continue to buy more. Just the official import numbers are staggering. This import is in addition to the domestic production and salvaging which never leaves the country and adds to the pile. China and India are seeing the gold demand increasing in excess of 150% on a year over year basis.

And now for "de-smoking" and "de-mirroring" the official narrative that is presented to us through manipulation and disinformation. Media constantly bombard us with data suggesting that precious metals have lost their luster. They often flash the following graphics in front of us.
They provide the narrative that gold peaked in 2011 and has since not broken the trend and that's why it will continue to go down.
But they never provide the same picture for silver which paints a different story.
This picture provides the clear narrative that silver prices have broken the trendline since 2015 and are artificially suppressed. We saw the act of suppression where for continuous 17 days the prices were just hammered only to see a 145% growth in physical buying.

Now let's look at the same narrative from China's perspective where the prices are mapped against the Chinese Yuan and not US dollar. Hmm, interesting isn't it?

And finally the same narrative from India's perspective. Same story.

So for how long can, they manipulate the prices of gold, silver, zinc, copper, the Dollar index, oil, bonds, and housing. It is going to require higher and higher degree of intervention to keep all the parameters in check and soon it will become impossible to do so.

In my earlier blogs, I had written that Thomas Reuters Group and CME group will cease to participate in daily price fixing with effect from June 1, 2017. Question you should be asking is why? Why would they withdraw from this profiteering scheme. The answer is simple, there isn't much gold and silver left in the vaults of Comex and Comex default is imminent and could happen by end of June this year.

So what are you waiting for?

Please leave your comments, upvote the post, follow me to get the daily blog on silver and market events and resteemit to your channel.
Most importantly, be prepared and be safe!


Thanks for resteeming the blog. I appreciate it. More people who get aware of what's coming down in near future better it will be.

Aware of it but still its actually its good Information for those who are unaware.

I read that in Greece you have to report a.o. all your valuable things you own (including jewellery) to the tax authorities. This approach can be applied in other countries.

of course, greeks have to. but will they...

They will exchange their valuables for cryptocurrencies. The chinese are sending their money our of the country via bitcoin to avoid a government confiscation or devaluation.

How long can the silver and gold manipulation go on? WHO KNOWS! Wishing won't help but dollar cost averaging will definitely help.

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