Oracle-D Partners With GoFind XR To Bring Extended Reality To Steem Blockchain

in #gofindxr6 years ago (edited)

This era has been greeted with massive technological revolutions, and among them is the virtual Reality (VR) - which presents us with a computer-simulated environment that will create an entirely new imagery/virtual world in lieu of the real world. We also have the Augmented Reality (AR) - which does not create an entirely new imagery, but superimposes the computer-simulated environment on the real world. That is; it supplements the real world with a virtual imagery created by computer. We also have the Mixed Reality (MR) - which is the hybridization (or combination) of the Virtual Reality, and the Augmented Reality. If you have been keeping abreast with emerging technology, you would have discovered that another reality has been added to the aforementioned ones, and that is the Extended Reality (XR) - which is the intelligent combination of the technologies of AR, VR, and MR using some special machine-human interactive softwares. Blazing the trail in the technology of Extended Reality (XR) is GoFind XR.

What Is GoFind XR?

GoFind XR is a blockchain-based Extended Reality platform created by Manindra Majumdar which has been recognized as the first of its kind; where a virtual version of the earth's estate is represented on the blockchain. The idea behind the establishment of GoFind XR is to create a virtual representation of the world around us in 2D/XR - and you can earn tokens by submitting these representations. Good news, Oracle-D is partnering with GoFind XR to bring this initiative to the steem blockchain, which will make it the first platform to implement the full incentivization of XR (AR, VR) DApps.

GoFind XR is powered by an internal token; the XR Token; and the holders of these tokens can leverage the tokens to earn a stake in the GoFind XR's advertising network. Apart from these, the holders of the XR Tokens will have access to the services provided by GoFind XR, which includes; but not limited to; Social media, Virtual Estates, Gaming, etc. For those that may not have experienced Augmented Reality, this is an opportunity for you to try it out.

Getting The XR Tokens

With all the use-cases of the XR Token, one will be piqued to ask how it can be acquired. First of all, you need to create an account in GoFind XR's site, after which you will go to the ICO portal to purchase the tokens. Purchases can be made with BTC, ETH, or with your credit card, and this will attract a bonus offer of 60% of your total purchase.

For steem holders; this is where the partnership of Oracle-D comes into play - you can exchange Steem for XR Tokens and the price is 10XR Tokens for 1Steem. It is amazing that this token can be purchased directly with Steem. Here's the procedure to exchange your Steem for XR Tokens: Transfer steem from your Steem wallet to @gofindxr, and after that, you will be required to fill this form with your details (a space will be provided where you will put your Ethereum wallet address), your XR Tokens will be sent to that address once the transaction is confirmed. Note: Offer is valid while form is active.

The form should look like this

Other upgrades have been witnessed in GoFind XR, and among them is the launch of the GoFind XR Android App which is currently in the beta stage. You can download it from Google Play Store and try it out to have a feeling of it, and you can also drop your feedback about the App. I'm sure you want to see a video representation of what GoFind XR is; here's one for you:

GoFind XR has a solid team of experts from the crypto space and beyond backing it up; the likes of Manindra Majumdar (with years of experience in blockchain technology and nanotechnology - who is also the CEO of GoFind XR), Sanjay Chaudhuri (who is a computer software engineer and the Chief Technical Officer of GoFind XR) and a host of others. This is just to prove to you that GoFind XR has a solid foundation.

For those interested in the Token Purchase, head over to the ICO Portal and follow the on-screen instructions to make purchases of your XR Tokens. Here's a summary of the token details:

  • Token Name: Extended Reality Tokens
  • Token Symbol: XR
  • Total supply of tokens: 1.3Billion XR
  • Minimum personal cap; 1ETH
  • Amount to be sold: 455million XR
  • Token type: ERC 20

Disclaimer: The content of this article is not meant to serve as financial advice, please do your own research.
Images are properties of GoFind XR and are used for the purpose of reviews

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