Ancient philosophy. Sources of study of ancient philosophy.

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

The main and the most reliable source for studying the ancient philosophy of the past are the writings of the philosophers themselves. Unfortunately, throughout the ancient Greek philosophy, only the works of Plato (almost all) and Aristotle (about half) are preserved. That is why the second source is the preserved fragments, or separate excerpts, thoughts, sentences from the writings of the philosophers. Such a work of philosophical fragments of scientific use was first made by the French scholar Mulish in his collection "Fragments of philosophy", which was published in Paris in 1860-1881 in three volumes.

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The remnants of historical philosophy were published by the German scholar Hans. The question of the historical origins of ancient Greek philosophy in science overlaps two completely opposite views. Van Arnim Collection "Fragmente", 1903-1905. The third source for the study of ancient philosophy form so-called decorative materials. These are materials in which famous authors expose the teachings of their predecessors; either to join them, or to criticize them. In this respect, Plato and Aristotle have the greatest value. For their predecessors, the disciple of Aristotle-Theofrast wrote a special historical work in which he set forth the physical and philosophical views of his predecessors and thus laid the foundations for such literature. Herman Diels (1848-1922) was again credited with the fact that in 1879 he published in a separate collection all the preserved dascograms (pertinent to Greek philosophy) in his work Doxographi graeci. Finally, the fourth source for studying Greek philosophy is preserved biographical information about philosophers. The Major In this regard, we receive information about the works of Diogenes, who lived in the third century BC, "About the Life, Teachings and Sentences of the Famous Philosophers" in ten books. Diogen used as his sources the writings of a Nicholas of Nikea, a contemporary of Nero.

Origin of Ancient Philosophy

Background of the Ionian region
There are four eras in the Aegean:
I-6000-4000 BC BC-Neolith.
II-3000-2000 BC BC-copper-bronze
Cretan-Mycenaean Culture - Early Stage of a Robbery Society:
a / centralized form of the state
the East Despotism, the priesthood.
b) religious-mythological worldview-transition partly to philosophy. / e.g. Hesiod and Ferikid-Ellada, Analogue-Vedi and Uganishadi-India.
III-XI-IX century BC BC-Homerean Age
-America north of Dorian tribes. The Achaean Mycenaean state perished.
Jonia - the presence of Greek colonies in Asia Minor as early as XVI-XIII cent. BC. (testified in the tiles of the Hats archive). At the end of 2000, four Greek tribes-Achaeans, Dacians, Ionians, and Aeolians were formed when the Mycenaean state died. There are 80 daughter colonies. These are 12 cities - Miletus, Ephesus, Samos, Prien, Chios, Phoeea, / Erafda-Herodotus - a good paradise.
VII-VI century - a dominant part of the Aegean region.
Social fight-poetry / Simonid, Alkmeon, The Seven Wise Men /.
Millet- / 496 is captured / - Frinich, the Merander River. Released by Alexander the Macedonian in 334
IV epoch-VIII-VII BC - Transition to a mature slave society.

On the issue of the origins of ancient Greek philosophy in science there are two complete opinions. According to one belief, maintained by the German scientists Bot and Gladysh, the ancient Greek philosophy, in the past century, has a purely oriental origins. Referring first to the fact that some of the most famous Greek philosophers such as Thales, Pythagoras, Demokritus, Plato and others have taken trips to the East and have borrowed their ideas there, citing the related motives between the religious- the philosophical teachings of the East, and the teachings of the Greek philosophers, referring at last to a widespread in the early centuries of the Christian tradition that philosophy has its cradle in the East, these authors maintain that almost everything in Greek philosophy has been borrowed. They even indicate which Greek philosophers in which eastern study are followers and conductors.

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