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RE: Victor Hugo and his book "Notre-Dame de Paris"

in #godflesh6 years ago

Hugo - literature on the amateur, of course. Everything is very epic and hyperbolized.
The plot is probably familiar to everyone, at least for a musical, which enjoyed a frenzied popularity at the beginning of the two thousandth. Here, the love pentagon, and the tragic interweaving of the fate of the heroes and an incredible number of colorful descriptions of Paris at the time. One of these descriptions Hugo even took a whole chapter. Thus, the city itself is one of the key characters in the novel, and this is certainly very interesting.
What a little depresses me personally is the very hyperbolization of the heroes' feelings. They all have some incredible tear and it is filled with tragic poetry. It is understandable, because Hugo created exactly the heyday of the Romantic era in art. His characters are somehow childishly naive, sensual and easily excitable, like mental patients. Passionate love, for which you can go for murder, even more passionate love, for which you can find the strength to overcome the sex of the city, endlessly passionate love, for which you can die of anguish. In general, everything is straight at the limit, or even behind it.
And since this is an epic literature, the plot is very dimensional, no one is in a hurry. The author explains everything to us, even what we already seemed to understand, we simply do not leave room for speculation, we were all cheated and presented. But this, of course, is the cost of the genre, I understand. And Hugo, of course, is not the most terrible representative of such literature. In general, as I said, an amateur.

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